Questions on AP's

<p>I'm going into grade 11 and I have never done AP's before. My school only offers 2 (AP Lit and AP Calc) which are only offered in grade 12. However, I am able to do AP's through distributed online courses which are recognized by British Columbia's Ministry of Education.</p>

<p>The courses I am planning to do this year is as follows:
1) AP Euro History (I love history, so I think I will enjoy this course)</p>

<p>2) AP Psychology (I have never done a psychology course before so I am thinking of doing Psych 12 this year and AP Psych next year or possibly over the summer)</p>

<p>3) AP Economics (The only recommendations that have been given for this course is an academic work ethic. I have taken Business Ed. How hard is this course, also is it worth taking this course just so I can have another AP? I am not interested in going into Business. I want to go into medicine.)</p>

<p>4) AP Statistics ( I don't know much about this course, but from what I have heard it is fairly strait forward.)</p>

<p>5) AP Bio ( I am considering this course. I am doing bio 11 this year and I am not sure if I will be able to handle both courses concurrently. However, I don't want to put too many courses, especially sciences, for grade 12 since I am already going to do AP physics and AP chem in grade 12.</p>

<p>If I do these 5 in grade 11 then I will be left with these 5 for grade 12:
1) AP Calculus (Will be done in school)
2) AP English Language & Composition (Will be done in school)
3) AP Chem
4) AP Physics
5) AP Spanish</p>

<p>I would appreciate your comments/concerns on this. I am not sure if it is worth doing some courses, ex. AP Economics, since I am going into the field of medicine. What courses do you think I should move around and what courses should I take/not take? Also, does doing AP courses like this count at universities like the ivy leagues?</p>

<p>Numbers 2 and 3 are easily handled in a year; Bio should be simple because you will be covering the same stuff in the AP in much greater detail.
It does count, but some schools place a cap on the number of credits; mine has 20 (Cornell CAS), but other schools here don't. As for admission, it can help the profile if you take the exam and the course, and do well.</p>

<p>keep bio, european history, and psychology for sure, psychology is easy, and bio/euro hist. are fun and helpful if you're going into medicine. i don't know about the other two for junior year.</p>

<p>They all sound good to me, but 5 AP's in a year ALONG with a regular course load is pushing the limit a bit. I'd drop AP Econ just because it seems a little extraneous, and if you're not sure, it probably means you don't really need to take it. I'd also drop AP Stat, since you plan on doing AP Calc next year, although that's just my opinion- I don't know how into math you are.</p>

<p>Also, I don't know if it matters, but a lot of people in my school and state take the 5 AP's you're saving for senior year in their junior year.</p>

<p>thanks for the feedback everybody =)
I have decided to keep bio, euro history, and psych
and drop ap econ and ap stat</p>

<p>princess, for sure I am going to be doing ap calc and ap english in grade 12
however, I am considering moving either chem, physics, or spanish to this year. which one would you guys recommend for me to move to this year?</p>