<p>I'm going into grade 11 and I have never done AP's before. My school only offers 2 (AP Lit and AP Calc) which are only offered in grade 12. However, I am able to do AP's through distributed online courses which are recognized by British Columbia's Ministry of Education.</p>
<p>The courses I am planning to do this year is as follows:
1) AP Euro History (I love history, so I think I will enjoy this course)</p>
<p>2) AP Psychology (I have never done a psychology course before so I am thinking of doing Psych 12 this year and AP Psych next year or possibly over the summer)</p>
<p>3) AP Economics (The only recommendations that have been given for this course is an academic work ethic. I have taken Business Ed. How hard is this course, also is it worth taking this course just so I can have another AP? I am not interested in going into Business. I want to go into medicine.)</p>
<p>4) AP Statistics ( I don't know much about this course, but from what I have heard it is fairly strait forward.)</p>
<p>5) AP Bio ( I am considering this course. I am doing bio 11 this year and I am not sure if I will be able to handle both courses concurrently. However, I don't want to put too many courses, especially sciences, for grade 12 since I am already going to do AP physics and AP chem in grade 12.</p>
<p>If I do these 5 in grade 11 then I will be left with these 5 for grade 12:
1) AP Calculus (Will be done in school)
2) AP English Language & Composition (Will be done in school)
3) AP Chem
4) AP Physics
5) AP Spanish</p>
<p>I would appreciate your comments/concerns on this. I am not sure if it is worth doing some courses, ex. AP Economics, since I am going into the field of medicine. What courses do you think I should move around and what courses should I take/not take? Also, does doing AP courses like this count at universities like the ivy leagues?</p>