Questions Regarding Transfer Credit from VCCS to Virginia Tech

<p>I'm a Virginia Community College student who was recently accepted to VT's College of Engineering. </p>

<p>I created this post to ask students who previously transferred from a Virginia Community College (or anyone who has solid info on this subject) about their experience with regard to transferring credits to Virginia Tech. This seems to be particularly important since Tech does not provide a transfer credit evaluation until orientation which is in June and that seems to be pretty late.</p>

<p>Did the history, fine arts, social science, etc. classes that you took at your Virginia Community College qualify as VT's "area requirements" or only as "free electives"? Here is a link to the requirements I'm referring to: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Any surprises in this scope or similar?</p>


<p>A transfer credit evaluation was provided for me. You should at least see the ones evaluated up until the current semester because obviously we are not yet finished with these courses. If you look here: [2012-2013</a> Transfer Guide](<a href=“]2012-2013”> , you’ll see the VCCS and VT transfer equivalencies. You simply select which class you’re interested in in particular and then see what class it transfers as to VT.</p>


<p>At what point after being accepted did VT provide your transfer credit evaluation? Are you a fall 2013 transfer?</p>

<p>Also, I have visited the transfer equivalency page but thanks anyway for the link.</p>

<p>All your questions about course transfer credit will be answered from the transfer equivalency database. You can then refer to the core curriculum booklet to see if a certain class qualifies as a core requirement.</p>

<p>Once you have been accepted and paid the matriculation fee, soon thereafter Virginia Tech will populate your transfer credits into your HokieSpa account. Look for it there.</p>

<p>Update: last week I received my transfer credit evaluation for the current school (a community college) I attend.</p>