quick question..please help a brother out!

<p>if i study the cliffs AP bio, will i be able to get 700+ on the SAT II?</p>

<p>or do you suggest me reading my PR AP chemistry, and taking the SAT II on that(and getting 700+)? </p>

<p>it doesn't matter which one i take, i just want to take the one which will be best for me, so which test do you think i should take? i am equally skilled(skilled. ha! i dont know another word to use) in both...</p>

<p>so do you think i can get a higher score by reading the PR AP chem book and taking the SAT II
or </p>

<p>reading the Cliffs AP bio book and taking the SAT II</p>

<p>come on...please help me out?</p>

<p>i prefer chem and reading the right book for the test would help. why not read a SATII book? i have the PR one for chem and its pretty good.</p>

<p>i dont have the time to buy a SAT II book because they dont sell any in my city, and i dont want to spend like $20 just for next day shipping....</p>

<p>so what do the rest of you think??? please?</p>

<p>I thought they told me at the UCLA admission tour that old sats would count as well? Can anyone clarify for sure.</p>

<p>look, chemistry is easier with the PR book and you will need to cover way less much information than BIo but then again if math's not your thing, i'd go with bio.</p>

<p>ok thanks! i will do the SAT II chemistry useing my AP chem book from PR. thanks!</p>