Quick Question: What is the benefit of having "Junior Status" as a freshmen?

<p>I will most likely have 90+ credits (92 units to be exact) by the time I enroll in college (I am a junior). I've been told that 90+ credits = Junior Status, but what are its benefits?</p>

<p>earlier enrollment times</p>

<p>higher class standing = better enrollment times = getting more classes you want when you need them</p>

<p>^What they said.</p>

<p>I obviously don't know much about enrolling in classes yet, but is that a really sought-out privilege? Because frankly, that doesn't sound like much of a benefit</p>

<p>trust me... its VERY good. even better if you get priority... but that's a whole other story.</p>

<p>Ok thanks, I will take your word on that.</p>

<p>Are there any other benefits or is that all?</p>

<p>You have more flexibility. Assuming you have taken some introductory courses at a community college, you have the freedom or taking 3 courses instead of 4 and still have a chance of graduating in less than 4 years. (Well, also depends what major you will be pursuing)</p>

<p>You can have extra time to do a co-op, study abroad, take a lighter schedule, take the quarter off, work more hours, play more, etc.</p>

<p>Just remember units and standing doesn't mean anything in regards to your graduation rate. What's more important is your progress towards finishing your MAJOR/minor curriculum.</p>

<p>Haha BoelterHall, that sounds better than priority class enrollment.</p>

<p>AP courses are equivalent to introductory courses at a community college right?</p>

<p>What have you taken at a community college?</p>

<p>Also, you probably can fit in gf/bf, but not guaranteed. A gf/bf is at least 8 units. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>What is gf and bf?</p>

<p>I will be taking Principles of Economics 1 (Microecon) and Principles of Economics 2 (Macroecon) over summer at a community college. I will also take Calc II (equivalent to Math 31B) in a cc.</p>

<p>I will have taken 13 AP tests by graduation and presumably pass them all.</p>

<p>A gf is a garbage-funnel and a bf is a barf-funnel. :rolleyes:
Have you taken too many courses?</p>

<p>So gf/bf = blow-off courses or something?</p>

<p>"Have you taken too many courses?"</p>

<p>Umm... what? Is there a limit to how many courses you can take?</p>

<p><em>cough</em>...I like your use of blow-off...:rolleyes:</p>

<p>Assuming that you're in L&S, there's a 19 unit max, which approximately 4-5 classes, depending on the class.</p>

So gf/bf = blow-off courses or something?


<p>^ LOL. I think you've been studying tooooo much.</p>

<p>...Oh dear God, what have you created? </p>

<p>AP tests usually don't count at all for class credit here at UCLA. Most only give you unit credit, which do nothing but give you an increased unit total, and hence more standing as a sophomore/junior.</p>

<p>haha... barf-funnel. Good one!</p>

<p>lol by "bf/gf" they meant fit in a girlfriend or boyfriend...dayum u have been studying way too much</p>

<p>13 APs!!! wow...I took 1 last year and I'm taking 2 this year lol</p>

<p>"Also, you probably can fit in gf/bf, but not guaranteed. A gf/bf is at least 8 units."</p>

<p>umm how does garbage funnel/barf funnel mean you can fit in a girl friend? I am confused as to what that means...</p>