Quick Question

<p>this may have been answered before, but</p>

<p>Do we turn in the common application as soon as possible, and then send in the supplement later?</p>

<p>or do we just turn everything all at once?</p>

<p>Harvard’s website says this:</p>


<p>Please Send:</p>

<pre><code>* The Common Application or Universal Application

  • $65.00 application fee or a fee waiver request.

<p>Without your Common Application/Universal Application, we cannot open your admission file, track supporting documents for your application, or send your name to our alumni/ae for a possible interview in your area.</p>

<p>The Short Answer about one of your activities, the Personal Essay and the Harvard Supplement may be sent at a later date. NOTE: After you have submitted an application through either the Common Application or Universal Application website, you are no longer able to edit your on-line application. Therefore you must mail your Short Answer, Personal Essay and Harvard Supplement if you choose to submit them separately."</p>