Quinnipiac nursing program

<p>Any current or former nursing students from Quinnipiac able to share their experiences, such as:
-advice on good professors for bio, chem, AP, clinicals, etc.
-study techniques
-availability/procedure for assistance, tutoring, etc.
-social life for nursing students
-ability to live freshman year with other nursing students (can you request this)
-strategies/feasibility of maintaining the 3.0
-are you permitted to repeat any courses, or do all courses carry a minimum grade to progress
Any other advice you can offer freshman into the nursing program to meet with success!!</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!</p>

<p>Feedback on Quinnipiac nursing program?</p>


<p>Congrats on your getting into the Nursing Program at Quinnipiac. It is an excellent program. One thing I can suggest in regards to finding out info about professors is to go to the Quinnipiac location on Ratemyprofessors.com. This site provides student input rating professors at the school for most all courses. Our D used this when she was in college and found that the info provided, while very much subjective, tended to be fairly accurate about the quality of the professors. You can check out the “Learning Center” site on the Quinnipiac website which describes help available to students (for free) including individual peer tutoring, academic counseling and other things available to all students to help students succeed in their courses.</p>

<p>For any student starting in Nursing anywhere it is critical to set up good study habits from day 1. Nursing curriculums are intense and very challenging and there are rarely, if ever, any “easy” courses. You have got to take your studying very seriously and you don’t want to fall behind because of other interests. If you need help seek it out ASAP. In fact, believe it or not, many students who end up on the “Dean’s List” are involved with tutoring and counseling even if they don’t perceive themselves as having problems. Most students do not avail themselves of these opportunities. With all this being said you don’t want to “overload” yourself with studying or you will become “burnt out”. You need to set up at least some time in your schedule to relax and recreate (in an appropriate manner). Most students who do best in college have formulated an appropriate balance between these two things. Of course in Nursing the balance will need to be skewed more to the studying side but don’t neglect the other.</p>

<p>I’m sorry but I can’t answer many of your specific questions about Quinnipiac Nursing but hopefully this info will be at least of some help to you. Best wishes to you in your Nursing career beginning at Quinnipiac. I am confident you will do just fine. IMHO the quality of Nursing education one receives at any college is more highly correlated with the effort one puts into it rather than anything else.</p>

<p>Mwallenmd… I just love your wisdom.</p>

<p>Thank you!!! Ditto on the wisdom (and kindness to take the time to share it)!! Any advice from current/former QU nursing students?!?!</p>