RA jobs

<p>Does anyone have experience with applying for an RA position?</p>

<p>I don’t, but my friend’s son recently applied for an RA position, so maybe she can help you. Wait…you are THAT friend. WHOOPS! Just joking! :-)</p>

<p>Hahahahahahahahahaha you are so funny!!</p>

<p>The process is already complete for Fall 2013. Students interviewed last week and are waiting for notification (hopefully today!) if they were selected for an RA or FA position. The application was due some time ago, and then then a portion of the applicants were invited to attend “Capstone Academy” earlier this semester, which consisted of training on conflict management, time management, etc.</p>

<p>Rolltide- yes, my son did Capstone Academy. I wonder how they will notify them.</p>

<p>Have your S check his email. My S was just notified - HE GOT THE JOB! I AM SO PROUD OF HIM! He will be an RA in Paty next fall.</p>

<p>I hope your S is selected, and he is happy!</p>

<p>^^^Rolltide90: Congratulations to your son!! I hope now that his room assignment is taken care of :)</p>

<p>Bummer, he didn’t get it. Oh well.</p>

<p>Robot: Yeah, the room selection issue is now resolved… :)</p>

<p>Proudmama3, this just means that there is some other wonderful opportunity out there waiting for him! :)</p>

<p>Thank you!!! I hope so. Starting with finding roommates! He didn’t stay put, so I guess he doesn’t care about staying with his roommates, though there are only 2 left and they may not be staying. I hope he doesn’t end up with three new, unknown roomies again.</p>

<p>The “Stay Put” option is available till 8am this morning feb 21.</p>

<p>From the housing page:
“Stay Put” (you wish to remain in the exact same space you live in now and are eligible to do so): 8:00 a.m. February 20-8:00 a.m. February 21. *If you wish to pull a roommate into any vacant space in your room or suite, you must stay put yourself on this day. If you do not choose this space, another student will be eligible to select it.</p>

<p>I don’t think he really cares. Thanks though.</p>

<p>^^^ you’re welcome, I figured there was still time if he wanted to choose the “stay put” option. </p>

<p>Rolltide90: Glad it all worked out well!</p>