Racism and prejudice yes they are still around.

<p>I am a soon to be yale, stanford and other top school applicant. I know that if I was to get into one of these top schools that there would be those people that would be like "no way, You of all people got in?!" and other smart ass comments like that. Has anyone ever had this happened to them and how did they react to it. I am african amerrican and I am in honors and ap classes and Im one of the like four or five blacks kids in these classes out of our class of 774. yet I have fellow class mates call say that I am stupid even though I am in the same class as they are. What is wrong with this country? Why can't we see every person as an equal. I work my butt off day and night, I work to help my parents with bills, study to get a great education, and do sports just like any other person. Only to go to school to have fellow class mates( who are white) look at me with distane.</p>

<p>Also I have been called a white wanna be, oreo, and any other of those names. I have even had a white student said and I quote " Man your the whitest black kid I know, even I am blacker than you." All of this simply because I dont sag my pants, speak slang, work hard, get good grades and aiming high. Why are the african americans that strive to make something of the great opportunity that they are fortunate to have singled out as not african american.</p>

<p>Even african american students see me as a ' white boy' all simply because I have my priorities set. These people have no idea the struggle that some of us go through just for these opportunities and yet they jump straight to judging. Why?</p>

<p>I meant dont sag pants or speak slang but instead work had and get good grades etc. sorry for the laziness.:)</p>

<p>“no way, You of all people got in?!”
What are you SAT / ACT scores and GPA?</p>

<p>I went through through the same thing. I was the only black male in most of my honors, advanced and AP classes. I strived for excellence and I worked very hard to maintain good grades. </p>

<p>People called me “white” because I talked proper. They called me “white” because I aimed high and studied. My own black friends called me “white” because I set priorities and wanted to get my work done. Even black females called me “white” because they thought I was interested in white girls because those were most of the people that were in my classes. I just learned to deal with it. Even though I do sag my pants and speak slang every now and then, I still worked hard to get good grades in school. Now that I’m going to the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, I feel that all my hard work and determination has paid off. Looking back at the same friends that called me “white” look at where they have ended up. Some are in jail, some just smoke weed on their front porches everyday, some aren’t even going to school and have dropped out. </p>

<p>I’ve noticed that some white people don’t want blacks to succeed. They get mad when they see us as competition. They want us to fail. They want us to end up like most other African Americans. Don’t let anyone call you stupid. You are smart in your own regard for even having the courage to do well in school, where most of your peers that look like you have fallen into a fake reality.</p>

<p>Some advice I would give you is just be “you.” Don’t worry about what others think about you. Don’t worry about your black friends calling you “white.” Just stand your ground and ignore those disrespectful, useless and baseless comments. Trust me when you end up getting accepted to a top prestigious university, they will respect you. Your black friends will respect you. They will realize where they went wrong and try to fix their lives (Some of them). They will look up to you. Most of my friends look up to me now because of the goals that I have set for myself. They look up to me because I rose above temptation and chose to do well in school.</p>

<p>African Americans that put you down, don’t respect who you are. They are clueless to what the real world is like. They think that they can gain status and respect and do poorly in school. They are mistaken. They are consumed with the status of popular. Prejudice will always exist. Its just up to you whether or not to give in to those social pressures.</p>

<p>When you get into Yale, or Stanford, or any top school, you will look back at the friends that made fun of you. You will just sigh in pity because they didn’t take seriously the best investment America has to offer. An Education!</p>

<p>I havent applied yet lol did you read it ? and well my gpa is ok its a 3.561 and my ACT is based upon practice tests 28-33 and I will be taking the act in hopes of a 2350</p>

<p>entertainer thank you and I am also planning on applying to michigan also, where else did you apply out of curiousity?</p>

<p>As long as your ACT / SAT and GPA is comparable to the other students admitted to Yale, Michigan and Stanford…you shouldn’t hear your classmates say “no way, You of all people got in?!”</p>

<p>The question is are they actually prejudiced or are they unimpressed with your scholastic abilities in the classes that you have taken with them. If you want to attend a “top school” then you should be a top applicant that is finishing at the top of their school.</p>

<p>Honestly in college people hardly talk about SAT/ACT and GPA. Once your in college most people view you as they normally would. </p>

<p>I applied to public schools for the most part because I’m planning on going to Medical School. I applied to 15 schools. I also applied to schools in the northeast/midwest.</p>

<p>Rutgers University
University of Maryland - College Park
University of Pittsburgh
Howard University
Penn State - University Park
Northeastern University
College of William and Mary
Drexel University
University of Chicago
Georgetown University
University of Pennsylvania
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor*
Cornell University</p>

<li>Chose to come here because UMMS(University of Michigan Medical School) accepts more students that attended the University of Michigan. I also chose to come here because my role models Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Ben Carson came here. I Also chose to come here because I love the city of Ann Arbor. Also their Psychology program ranks 3rd best in the nation. The other schools(Ivy’s/Top Privates) were more expensive for the same education.</li>

<p>“Honestly in college people hardly talk about SAT/ACT and GPA.”</p>

<p>Of course that won’t help with his current classmates.</p>

<p>“I have fellow class mates call say that I am stupid even though I am in the same class as they are…”</p>

<p>I already posted about what I feel he should do about his situation.</p>

<p>I’m just saying that when you get to college all your high school accomplishments mean little or nothing at all.</p>


<p>just like the others said, it really is about just being you, no one can tell you anything when you’re successful you know? i think most of us here have experienced what you have in one form or another…</p>

you know, one thing that I’ve seen quite a few times in this thread from the men on here is that even black women look at you guys sideways, make fun of you, and accuse you of only liking white girls because you’re smart. i totally believe you guys and understand that, but i sincerely hope that you guys dont think that all of us are like that. it saddens me to see that so many black women say and do things like that because it’s just plain wrong. Personally, nothing is more attractive to me than young black men who are smart and dont care what anyone thinks about them wanting to achieve their goals, regardless of if they’re in a class full of whites or not. i would love to have guys like you all in the classes that i take,i think it would be pretty cool lol…</p>

<p>and this was really random, but i think it had to be said :)</p>

<p>No you are right. Personally I prefer black women. I don’t care what other black females think of me, let alone what most people think of me. I just don’t understand where they get the assumption that a smart black male has to like white girls. Its just completely baseless and disrespectful in most regards. </p>

<p>I don’t think all black females act this way. Most don’t. Its just the black females that don’t do well in school, at least from my experience that make these useless comments.</p>

<p>I dont care what other people think because I know I am a hard worker and I want to make something of myself and this wouldnt change even if I was white, asian, indian, etc. We are who we are and people should learn to understand and appreciate that.</p>

<p>And I am in the top tier of my class btw but many studentts like I said do not see me as having the same or higher intelligence that they do and so if I was to get accepted into one of those top schools they stilll would make comments like I posted, or they woould pull out the I got in because I am black crap.</p>

<p>Don’t pay them any mind. When you are in college it will be a different story. When I went to orientation, I expected the “you got in because you are black.” crap. No one mentioned it, no one gave me weird looks. Everyone was nice and nervous. They treated me with respect and they wanted to know more about me and my goals. Just do “you” like I’ve said. If learning and studying and the pursuit of knowledge makes you happy then continue doing that regardless of the statements that others make. America is full of people that make foolish comments, but its up to you to prove them wrong.</p>

<p>Oh I will prove them wrong :)</p>

<p>Hmm, I must say that is quite sad to hear.</p>

<p>Though if a white erson said somethign along the lines of ‘I’m white, and I’m blacker than you’ then I would be quite happy lol. Simply because if being ‘black’ these days means sagging your ants, acting crude to authority, joining gangs, using slang all of the time, putting down those who want to work hard, then I really want no part of that lol. You should feel quite proud of yourself.</p>

<p>I’m just kinda cynical about race, I always make up jokes and scenerios in my head of different sterotypes of everyone heh.</p>

<p>What’s wrong with sagging your pants or talking in slang? I know people have problems with it, but I do it anyway. Its a part of how I dress.</p>

<p>Honestly the only place where I don’t talk slang are places where people are most likely to judge me. I talk slang around my friends and other blacks. Other than that I’m as proper as can be.</p>

<p>What people find truly weird about me is that I act like the typical black person in some regards, but in other areas I act “white.” People can’t seem to figure me out. I’ve grown up around those types of black people all my life. All my friends sag their pants, talk slang, but the only difference between them and myself is that I strive to do well in school. Thats mainly it. I talk slang when its appropriate. I see nothing wrong with that. </p>

<p>Honestly it depends on who your friends are and who you have grown up around. I live near</p>


<p>“I am a soon to be yale, stanford and other top school applicant. I know that if I was to get into one of these top schools that there would be those people that would be like “no way, You of all people got in?!” and other smart ass comments like that. Has anyone ever had this happened to them and how did they react to it. I am african amerrican and I am in honors and ap classes and Im one of the like four or five blacks kids in these classes out of our class of 774. yet I have fellow class mates call say that I am stupid even though I am in the same class as they are. What is wrong with this country? Why can’t we see every person as an equal. I work my butt off day and night, I work to help my parents with bills, study to get a great education, and do sports just like any other person. Only to go to school to have fellow class mates( who are white) look at me with distane.”</p>

<p>Yeah, that would not happen to me, unless I’m debating AA b/c I would just rip into them. I can’t stand utter nonsense. Furthermore, I’m the only black person in all my AP/Honors classes people try not to talk about race around me because they know I’m not okay with it.
But I also minimize these comments by doing things.</p>

<li>pretending i’m not competition. I continually act stupid and do stupid things. When/If my grades are good I don’t share it with others. The only thing my classmates know about me ( as competitive) is that my PSAT score for verbal is 800. Even then,I had to deal with a lot of stupidity.
i.e. Have you studied for the SAT over the summer
Me: nah,not really like I hope I don’t totally fail ( lie: did study but not much)
Person: well, obviously you don’t need to study when you have such high scores
Me: Irritated ( shut up)</li>

<p>Basically, if others see you as competition they will try to undercut you in every way possible. Like my PSAT score is common knowledge among the entire honors group- I really should have shut up about it.</p>

<li>Pretending I’m not applying to top schools-
example- you applying to harvard
me: no way in hell
I never talk about the colleges I love like Columbia and Chicago University. I do pretend I’m going to join the military and /aim for NYC - ( most of the honors people don’t want to go there)</li>
<li>Pretending I have no goals in life-like saying I don’t know what I want to do.</li>

<p>To be honest, competition is competition- the problem is most likely less to do with your race and more to do with their fear of how bright you are.</p>