<p>I would like to see where locals rank their local school in its D1 conference(academically speaking). So pick a school that live near and rank the conference it is in.</p>
<p>I live in UW-Madison territory, so I will rank the Big Ten:</p>
<p>Alright, so I’m taking a new approach and ranking schools based not on reputation but quality of undergraduate education, are teachers good and accessible? are there small classes? are there too many TA’s? </p>
<p>Some may think this is heresy but here goes:</p>
<p>**Only schools that I am familiar are ranked, some of the smaller schools in the smaller conferences, I cannot tell you anything about them haha.</p>
<p>rjkofnovi, overall Michigan students are better off than Indiana, but there are tons of classes taught by TA’s and professors are more concerned about research than teaching</p>
<p>Pierre0913, is this actually your list? Seriously, you really need to stop posting if you honestly believe Indiana is the second best school in the Big Ten. I’m assuming the fact that you have placed the University of Pittsburgh as one of the top 10 public universities in the country in other threads has nothing to do with placing Penn State last? I am glad that I read it though, as it helps to know your posts in the future obviously are based on a reality that’s a little warped.</p>
<p>Big Ten Rankings:</p>
<p>1 Northwestern
2 Michigan
2 Wisconsin
4 Illinois
5 Penn State University Park
6 Ohio State Columbus
7 Purdue
8 Iowa
9 Minnesota
10 Michigan State
11 Indiana</p>
<p>Pierre0913, I was going to simply focus on your Big Ten rankings, but your ACC rankings were equally absurd. Georgia Tech last in the ACC? Clemson above UNC? Wake Forest better than Duke? Wow…</p>