Rate HS Classes Schedule for College Rigor

Hey everyone, could you please rate my friend’s high school classes, for grades 9-12 and their chances for all UCs (particularly Berkeley), Occidental, Stanford, and Manhattanville. NY stats student, 3.2 GPA, wrote a novel (working on publishing it), 30 ACT, and many writing awards.

Biology Regents
Algebra 1
AP World History I
English 9 Regents
Spanish 2
Study Hall

Earth Science Regents
Applied Geometry
Global History 10 Regents
English 10 Honors
Health Education
PLTW Principles of Biomedical Sciences
Personal Finance
Hospitality and Tourism

Plants and Animals of the Northeast
General Chemistry
CHS Mathematical Topics
US History and Government Regents
English 11 Regents
History of the Holocaust and Modern Genocide
Expressive Writing
Short Stories
PLTW Human Body Systems

Applications for Mathematics
CHS Astronomy
Science Fiction
CHS Psychology
IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL
PLTW Medical Interventions

Thank you in advance!!! :slight_smile:

This doesn’t look a particularly hard schedule.

On a scale of 1-10, this is a -10.

All jokes aside, he can definitely increase rigor. Right now he’s at abt a 5.5

Pretty average

Average schedule

In what grade is your friend?
This is a not particularly rigorous schedule. It’s also difficult, looking at it, how your friend made his/her choices. It looks like a lot of academic but relatively easy classes.
A rigorous schedule would include a minimum of 5 honors/ap/ib/chs classes each year; foreign language through level 4 or AP, math through pre-calculus honors or calculus, four years of history/social science (including AP) , four years of English (including AP), all three of biology, chemistry, physics plus one science AP, for a total of 4-8 AP 's.

At UC’s the primary factor is GPA. A 3.2 doesn’t qualify for UC’s oos. You’d need a minimum of 3.4 for UC Merced. So, UC’s are out. (Also, remember that UC’s have no financial aid for oos applicants.)

Stanford is completely out of reach.
Occidental is a super reach and quite unlikely.

What’s your friend’s budget?

If your friend has 85k in a college fund and his/her parents can afford $1,000 a month on top of that, then CSU’s would be possible - Sonoma and CPP as a match, SDSU as a reach, for likelies CSU San Marcos, or Chico State…
If you like the west coast, run the net price calculator on: ULaverne, Pacific Lutheran, Cal Lutheran, uPortland, uSeattle, u Puget sound, Lewis and Clark.

Manhattanville is a match. Add Marist (match), St Bonaventure (likely), St Lawrence (reach), Hobart&william smith (high match), Siena (match).
And obviously next year SUNY 's will be tuition free so you should apply to all that are commutable.

Thank you all!!! @MNballer19 @Tps237 @Bobbybob444555 @stanford200381

@MYOS1634 My friend is a junior. They changed their schedule so it includes Spanish every year, including IB Spanish. Do you think they’d have a shot at Sonoma with a 3.2 GPA? I also really appreciate you taking the time to research and explain things to me and my friend! :slight_smile:

Yes with a 3.2 and a 30 act they’d have a shot at Sonoma (which used to be a private college and is now a beautiful residential campus.)

Closing thread. For privacy reasons, asking for a friend is not allowed. If s/he wants an answers, s/he needs to ask his/her own question with his/her own account.