Rate me PLEASE!

<p>Hey... I'm currently a senior and im either planning to apply to Harvard (EASC) or UPenn (ED).</p>

<p>Based on my stats, rate my chances of getting into these schools as well as other ivy leagues and UC Berkeley/LA.</p>

<p>Academic GPA (10-12): 4.26 (Weighted) 3.52 (Non Weighted)
(9-12): 4.25 (Weighted) 3.53 (Non Weighted)</p>

PSAT: 237, national merit semifinalist presently, applying to be a finalist
SAT1: Math 800, Verbal 770, Writing 770, Total 2340
SAT2: US Hist 800, Math 2C 800, Biology Eco 800</p>

<p>5 AP tests all 5. Expecting to take 5 more in May 2006.</p>

<p>My school doesnt rank but i think im around top 10%-25%. So something around 15%-20% percentile based on GPA. I've actually gotten alot of B's tho... take a look at my unweighted GPA.</p>

<p>However, my high school is a magnet tech school ranked #2 in the nation. Therefore, classes are substantially harder than in other schools.</p>


<p>Won 2 editors choice awards for poetry, poetry published in anthology.
President: Junior State of America (11th-12th Grade)
Vice President: French Club (11th-12th Grade)
Publicity Director: Speech and Debate Club (11th-12th Grade)
Public Relations Director: California Association of Student Councils (11th-12th Grade)</p>

<p>Summer Job: Warehouse Worker from July-August 2005... 40 hrs/week
Summer Internship: California Department of justice Attorney General's Office June-July 2005... 40 hrs/week, Excellent Service Award (Internship isnt that outstanding tho cuz it's mandatory at my school)</p>

<p>Volunteer at Summer Camp 150 hrs, July-August 2004, Service Appreciation Award
Volunteer at Hospital 42 Hrs, Jan-May 2005
Volunteer at Library 50 Hrs, Excellent Service Award</p>

<p>Piano Playing for 7 years, Certificate of Merit Level 6... from 1998-Present.</p>


<p>There... so based on those stats (and considering a SLIGHTLY above average essay)... would i be better off applying EASC to Harvard or ED to Penn?</p>

<p>I would very much wanna go to harvard more, but there's no point "wasting" my single choice applying to a college i dont have much of a chance in. ED in Penn gives me a better chance i think, but i dont know my chances in either college with my present stats.</p>

<p>Colleges im applying to:</p>

UC Berkeley
U Penn

<p>i think you have a great chance. gpa is kind of low but you go to a tough school. SAT is amazing, and ecs are fine. the editor's choice awards wouldn't be from poetry.com, would it....? because that's a scam.</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Match
UCI: Safety</p>

<p>Hah yeah my poetry awards are from poetry.com. Will colleges know its a scam? Should i still include them anyways?</p>

<p>And could anyone give advice on ED Penn or EASC Harvard? Thanks</p>

<p>hm... replies anyone?</p>

<p>if you go to a top school, you obviously have money. Odds are that will help you a lot.</p>

<p>i say DEFINITELY shoot as high as you want--even the HYPSM. </p>

<p>get to know your match schools though. consider Cornell, consider U Chicago, consider Rice, consider any of the good LAC's if youre into the humanities.</p>

<p>hm... money helps me alot?</p>

<p>never heard of that one before...</p>

<p>i just dont know how much that low GPA will hurt, cuz it's my (in my opinion) only weak point in applying...</p>

<p>i don't think you should put in the poetry.com things. they don't help your ecs that much and there's always the chance the colleges DO know it's a scam.</p>

<p>bleh.... so disappointing...</p>

<p>oh well... so harvard or penn early?</p>

<p>Since when was a 3.5 uw a match at UCB? How do you get into an Ivy with a 3.5</p>

<p>My school is a magnet school. Last year 30+ people got into UCLA and 20+ into Berkeley from just my high school. Look up Troy High School if you want.</p>

<p>3.5 isn't incredibly high, but at my school, a very high GPA (top 10% for sure, although we don't rank) is a 3.7-3.8 uw and a 4.4-4.5 w. </p>

<p>Yeah my GPA is lower than that, but i think my test scores and ec are decent enough... i just wanted to know how much the gpa is gonna hurt my ivy apps</p>

<p>ooh troy high school...haha yes your school completely dominated the science olympiad competition last year. Got like 90% of the awards.</p>

<p>I'm a senior from Irvine high school btw.</p>

<p>I'm in a very similar situation.</p>

<p>Have you found out your rank yet?
You could be close to 3rd decile.</p>

<p>Good Luck</p>