Rd- 2013

<p>Anxious for RD for 2013.
Is the date March 1?</p>

<p>I think so! I applied also. Deferred from Binghamton, so I’m a bit nervous. Though, I was accepted to Fordham. Do you know how holistic Geneseo is?</p>

<p>Thats funny…
My daughter was accepted at Fordham too and Deferred at Bing…</p>

<p>IN 2010 my son was waitlisted at Bing…and then got into Geneseo…</p>

<p>It all just depends…have u been to Geneseo…its very nice up there.</p>

<p>GCmom, what were your daughter stats/app strengths? I actually haven’t visited Geneseo, I plan to if accepted though.</p>

<p>I’ve had kids applying before; Geneseo is less competitive to get into than Binghamton especially for instate NY kids (Binghamton gives a lot of preference to out of state but not many out of state apply to Geneseo). A lot of kids who don’t get in for fall will be given guaranteed admission for spring, they often go to community college first semester.</p>

<p>One of my children attends Geneseo and loves it. It’s a beautiful campus. My understanding is that Geneso considers all aspects of the application, including the parent statement.</p>

<p>I didn’t have my parents do the parent statement at Geneseo or Hampshire C, the other school that offered it. What’s the purpose of it, anyway?</p>

<p>I think the purpose is to give the parents something to do other than call the admissions office with annoying questions…it might be useful if there is something really unique about the kid that the guidance counselor wouldn’t mention. For instance, if the kid had some illness or developmental disorder most of his life but caught up to classmates in high school.</p>

<p>I did the parent statement for my daughter.
She has taken 5 Ap’s. All honors in the 4 yrs.
Her GPA is about a 3.8 and this half of the year she is doing great! Last quarter she had a 98 average. All grades should be send again for the first half on senior year. I hope they look at that.
Problem is her SAT’s are only a 1210. Her math is strong 680, reading weaker.
Her plan is secondary ED in Math.
National Honor Society
She works, tutors chem and babysits.
I think she is above Oneonta academically but not sure if she will be accepted to Geneseo.
Makes me sad cause I know its a good fit for her.
This wait is just horrible.</p>

<p>My Daughter was also deferred from Binghamton. Truthfully I like the look and feel of geneseo for her over binghamton. We appied to geneseo but never got the Parent statement request. Is this something you send on your own or do you need to be prompted by Geneseo to send one? Where would I find the statement form?</p>


<p>There is a link to the Parent Statement in the Geneseo website under Freshman applications. (I think it’s Step 4).</p>

<p>Why Geneseo doesn’t have any admission status check?
I have no clues as if the application materials are completed or not.
Also, does anyone have heard anything about the RD decision date this year? How many people applied? Any chance they will release decision before Mar. 1?
Post your stats please!</p>

<p>I was accepted last year as a freshman and my admission folder came in the mail exactly on March 1. I heard International students and students playing a sport got notified earlier than regular students. These were my stats. </p>

<p>Major: Chemistry/Pre-med</p>

<p>Caucasian Male</p>

<p>Lives with my mother (disabled) (my father is deceased)</p>

<p>I wrote my essay on how stereotypes in high school don’t define who I am. I define who I am.</p>

<p>Class Rank: 21/443</p>

<p>GPA: 95.35 (W)</p>

<p>ACT: 26</p>

<p>SAT: Did not send</p>

<p>6 APs during high school. </p>

<p>US History (junior year) Score 3
Language (junior year) Score 3
Physics (junior year) Score 3
Calculus AB (senior year)
Gov’t and Politics (senior year)
Chemistry (senior year)</p>

<p>All honors/ap classes throughout high school </p>

<p>AP Scholar (11th grade)
National Honor Society (11-12th grade)
High Honor Roll all throughout high school (9th -12th grade)</p>

<p>Drama Club (9th-12th) (6 leads out of 8 shows)
Journalism (10th grade)
Yearbook Editor (12th grade)
Morning Announcements (Grades 10,11,12)
Choir (4th-12th) (Also VP of Choir)
Thespian Honor Society (9th-12th) (President)
Science club (6-8)
Show Choir (9th-12th)
Select Octet (7-12)</p>

<p>Benefit Haiti Relief Concert singer
Community tree lighting caroler
Hospital tree lighting caroler
“Caroling for Cancer” caroler</p>

<p>New York state resident</p>

<p>We should know in about 21 days…Not that Im counting or anything. So anxious. I prayyyy my daughter gets in this school. Wait is killing me.</p>

<p>16 days!!!</p>

<p>Letters should be out in 2 weeks!! I hope!!</p>

<p>11 Days!! Cant wait!</p>

<p>about 9 days now!! Isnt anyone else excited???</p>

<p>Son just got University of Rochester’s yesterday. Geneseo is the last one we are waiting for - and then we can make some decisions!</p>

<p>I hear ya JEDAD2013…this wait is a killer. I wont know until April 1 to hear from the rest of my daughters schools.Well we also dont get the full financial awards until around that time anyway. I do feel Geneseo is a great for for her and is a top choice! Good Luck to you!</p>