RD 2022 Decisions

My daughter received an email tonight saying that decisions are coming out this Wed, March 14, at 4:00 p.m. mountain time. Good luck everyone!

Good luck!

I didn’t get that. I am an international student by the way. Is that for domestic applicants only?

I didn’t get that. I am an international student by the way. Is that for domestic applicants only?

I didn’t get that. I am an international student by the way. Is that for domestic applicants only?

I’m an international student and I got that.

My son received the e-mail, he is an international student, too.

@Teresa001 Please did your son receive the Global Scholars Program notice as well?

My daughter got an email from CC this morning telling her they received her Midyear transcript and they would be reviewing it in the next few weeks. They actually received it Jan 20, according to her applicant portal. That is a strange and concerning email. Did anyone else get something like that today?

@pcmom1 We didn’t get anything like that. As anxiety provoking as waiting a few weeks will be, at least she’s still in consideration and not being outright rejected. I’m sorry. So much of this is stressful and difficult to make sense of.

@mrjsmom , the strange part about it is that she got the email a few days ago that decisions are being released today. And, that fact that it took them almost 2 months to notify her that they received her transcript when it is on her portal is also odd. This entire process is anxiety provoking!

@pcmom1 Sorry your situation is so confusing!

My son just received his rejection email. We weren’t surprised at all since he was deferred EA and didn’t interview or visit the campus. He’s gotten several other acceptances so we’re not upset.

My daughter was deferred EA, which was a shock at the time for many reasons. She was accepted today, and she is so excited.

Waitlisted! GPA: 3.51, SAT: 1470, a complete shock TBH given the 5% acceptance rate for RD … was expecting downright rejection, but I’m happy. Congrats to all accepted!!!

@yellowmellow17 hah same. 3.58, 1520/35
I’m curious what percent of applicants get waitlisted

We indicated we didn’t want to be on the waiting list.

@pcmom1 My DD got that email about a month after CC got her mid year grades. Then a couple of weeks later they sent an email stating they had reviewed them and to keep up the good work. DD was accepted EA. Seemed odd but, whatever. Congrats on you DD’s acceptance.

Yes,he got that Global Scholars Program Acknowledgement. He was deferred to RD, now he is on the waitlist.


My DD got her rejection email today. 3.95 UW GPA, 4.3 W GPA, 33 ACT, deferred on EA, decent extra curriculars and good essay. We weren’t able to visit the school so maybe that played a part. Disappointed, but she got into several other schools EA and has some good choices there.