RD Chances Out of State

<p>I was wondering if I even have a chance at UVA as an out of state candidate. I'd appreciate any feedback- Thanks!</p>

<p>SAT: 620(M), 700(V), 800(W) 12 Essay
ACT: 30 Composite, 28S, 27M, 35E, 32R, and 35 Writing 12 Essay
SAT II: 690 Lit, 650 US History, 590 Spanish</p>

<p>GPA: 103.85 (W), 3.83 (UW)
Rank: Top 3%, Top 20 of 550</p>

<p>Senior Classes: AP Spanish, AP Psych, AP English Lit, AP Studio Art, Honors Calculus, Honors Art Seminar, Independent Study</p>

<p>Essays: I wrote about my experience at a Sikh church for my comparative religion independent study.</p>

State or Country: CT
School Type: Suburban High School with 2200+ students
Ethnicity: white
Gender: F</p>

<p>Major: Philosophy, pre-law</p>

I'm a New England District leader in a community service organization.
Swim Team captain, 2 varsity letters
FIRST Robotics
Class Secretary
Student Newspaper editor
Sunday School teacher, Youth Deacon, Pilgrim Youth Fellowship, Christian Board of Education</p>

<p>Honors and Awards:
200+ community service hours
Elks Student of the month
Girls State
NSLC Law and Advocacy
Scholar Athlete</p>

I'm fluent in American Sign Language.
I enjoy oil painting, and I sent a Design portfolio to Brown. My pieces are currently on display in the local bank.
I interned at a Women's Rights Organization last summer.</p>

<p>Bump. Nothing?</p>

<p>It's hard to say. Initially I was going to say yes, but after taking a moment, I see that your stats are really high in some things, and so-so in others.
Did you take any AP's junior year? Or will you have the 4 AP's that your taking now by the time of graduation? Personally, I think it would look better if you had taken a good # of AP's during junior AND senior years.
Your EC's are good, maybe not excellent. I'm just not seeing a "hook" so to speak. Though perhaps your painting could be construed as a hook, though Brown got the portfolio.
Your class rank is excellent. That is easy to zero in on, and will definitely be to your advantage.
Essays are so important in the UVA admissions process. I don't know anything about the Sikh church. If your essay was dazzling then that would be good.
Right now, I'd say yes, you will probably get in. But you might be a little bit border line. UVA is so very hard to get into from OOS, so please don't take anything I say personally.
Good luck. I wish you the best.</p>

<p>Hmm, lots of things to address:
1. - What school are you applying to? I would've guessed CAS, then I saw the Robotics team, so now maybe SEAS?
2. rank - obviously this is awesome, they love top 5% OOS. This will be a HUGE help
3. SAT - math is a bit low, but again, won't really bring you down if you're CAS. However, know that its still on the low side
4. APs- is that it? Its a lot for senior year, but I would think they would want to see lower grade APs, unless you couldnt take them
5. ECs - nothing stands out, but you seem to have a bunch of leadership positions which is good...nother stellar, but still pretty good ECs in my opinion
6. essays - it sounds like they'll be unique, which is awesome, as long as your writing skills were good
7. GPA - your weighted is impressive, but UW could be on the low side, not too sure</p>

<p>overall, I think you're a pretty strong applicant. SATs and the UW GPA I think would be the only downfalls, and maybe the ECs part. Like powderpuff said, OOS is verrryyy competative. But I definently think you have a shot =)</p>

<p>I think she's applying to CAS since she wants to major in philosophy and pre-law. I dont think the UW is considered low if she's top 5% in a school with 2k students.</p>

<p>missed the major part...thanks</p>

<p>Thanks for your feedback- I appreciate it!</p>

<p>I took AP US History last year, but because our school is so large, most APs are only offered senior year. The exceptions are AP Bio and AP Chem, which would require me to miss out on lunch or art my junior year (the art class is a prerequisite to AP Art). I’m not sure if my guidance counselor relayed this information to UVA. I’m hoping they won’t see that we offer 8 APs and I only took 4 of them, though I will get college credit for UCONN Spanish.</p>

<p>The hook I tried to emphasize on my application is that I’m the District leader of a community service organization. I travel almost every weekend to run workshops and conferences, and it has pretty much been my part time job for the past year. Do you think UVA will understand that this is not only a huge time commitment but also something I’m passionate about?</p>

<p>I forgot to add, I did send my slides to UVA with a supplementary essay and I applied to CAS. As an OOS applicant, I’m not expecting much. I just hope I’m a competitive applicant.</p>