RD Decisions

<p>I got my acceptance letter a few days ago. I actually had stopped really considering Hampshire...but they're given me some spectacular financial aid, so methinks I might start considering it again...(:</p>

<p>I got wait listed, which is really disappointing as Hampshire is the school I'm deadset on going to. When I called and asked if I could know why I was put on the wait list, they told me that they thought my grades could have been better.</p>

<p>I haven't heard back yet!! I am going to run to my mailbox ASAP in 2 hours when I get home :) <em>crosses fingers</em></p>

<p>Ayy. Both my friend and I got in (and another is waiting), but the two of us who got in don't think we can afford it. It would have been so much fun! </p>

<p>Emmit- what were your stats? Because on the College Board, it says that Hampshire only puts grades under the "considers" category (as opposed to being "very important" or "important" ).</p>

<p>Well, at the time of applying, I had a GPA of 3.0. Yeah, I don't know what to think. I've heard of people getting in with lower.</p>

<p>I am an international and waiting to hear frm hampshire soo very impatiently. How were you guys informed? I am sooo worried that I havent heard anything from them.</p>

<p>My D is still waiting, it is now March 21st, maybe today's mail will bring something on this regular decision.</p>

<p>I still haven't heard and I live in eastern MA. Anyone else still waiting?</p>

<p>Still waiting also. :( Getting very impatient... I was hoping to hear some (good) news on my birthday which is today, but nada.</p>

<p>Yeah, I really thought my D would have heard something by now.</p>

<p>I haven't heard yet,
I live in Central NY,
and now im stressed!</p>

<p>Admissions told me yesterday that letters were going out today - and if I didn't hear to call by next week...hey, dancerinwaiting, I am a dancer too. I am auditioning tomorrow at UMASS...just in case my letter never comes! But the portal (hubhampshire) is telling me to write in my acceptance code from my acceptance letter...so I am not sure what that means...unless that's what is on all applicants' portals...</p>

<p>Hey Mainefox,
where else did you apply?
I applied to Sarah Lawrence, Bard, Bennington, and Swarthmore, as well as Hampshire.
I heard from Sarah Lawrence and Bennington, in at both, with pretty good financial aid at Sarah Lawrence, but I really want to hear back from everyone else!!!</p>

<p>If they sent them today, i think maybe well get them day after tomorrow?</p>

<p>Sorry thats so long winded,
good luck to you</p>

<p>The Hub has that message for all prospective students. That message has been on there since the Fall of last year.</p>

<p>Thanks Afreidma! You can tell I have never been on the hub before this week...and DancerInWaiting, I applied at Bowdoin College too- but I am graduating hs in three years, so am seriously thinking of taking a 'gap year' of internships in the dance and psychology fields (and working too, of course). I am waiting to see what offers come, and make my decisions then...</p>

<p>I still haven't heard anything yet and I'm very nervous! I live on the West Coast. Did anyone receive a postcard in the mail informing them of their acceptance? In previous years, accepted applicants received a postcard a week or so before their acceptance letter. I'm a little confused on how their sending out decisions this year.</p>

<p>I'm in NY, and stillll haven't heard anything from them. Hoping to hear something by Monday.</p>

<p>i got in yesterday and they gave me the best financial aid of any school thus far (20k grant+12.5 scholarship), very excited!</p>

<p>good luck to everyone still waiting!</p>

<p>@agnes35 - from hearing other people's stories, it seems like hampshire is sending out the letters in waves. i sent my app in pretty early, so that might explain why i got my acceptance so early. in short - i wouldn't worry too much about it.</p>

<p>Thin envelope or fat envelope for acceptances?? I suppose a wait list letter could be thin!</p>