Readmitted to tamu

Has anybody ever been suspended from Tamu for grades. I got suspended with a overall Tamu gpa of 1.75 . My first 70 hours were from CC with a 3.5 gpa. I am trying to get readmitted but theres not really many classes I can take at CC college as I already took all my basics. I used to have a biology major but obviously that wasnt for me. I am interested in psychology, or I can look for something else I am still looking at my options. I want to be readmitted for Fall 2019 , so has anybody been accepted as at 90 or more hours

You should not take any more CC classes. All you would be doing is adding credits not improving your grades at TAMU. You need to write an appeal letter. Be concise. Take ownership and responsibility for what went wrong. Write a plan as to what you are going to do to get yourself back on track.

Isn’t it like way to late to do an appeal letter ? Aren’t you supposed to do that within the month of receiving bad grades

There is a link to the requirements @laura95

But I think your issue is going to be you want to change your major - and are not sure what you want to do. It’s going to be kind of hard to write an essay explaining that your realize your passion is XXXX and biology is not your calling, when you don’t know what XXXX is.

@laura95 : I agree that you need to write an essay explaining how you ended up in this situation. Work with your department advisors and admissions department. Ask what you need to do to earn reinstatement and then do that.

From other posts, it sounds like you started out at a CC and transferred last year to TAMU with good grades from the CC. But TAMU is much, much more rigorous than any CC. Perhaps you could have taken fewer classes to begin with at TAMU, but that is a woulda/coulda/shoulda thing and now you need to fix this issue.

Sounds like you made A’s and B’s in TAMU classes other than Biology. Why was that? What do you think you can do differently to improve the situation? Is it a time management problem? Are you partying too much? I saw in other posts that you have had roommate issues that could have cost you some studying time and may have also affected you emotionally, etc. Have you been chronically or repeatedly ill or otherwise have a health issue which could be identified and documented?

There should be some sort of testing place where you could be tested for ADHD and other issues which will affect your study habits/test scores, etc. Check with Student Services or the Health Clinic. Make sure that anything and everything is documented and considered for your reinstatement.

If you really like Bio, can you be a part-time student and just take one Bio class and/or lab to see how you can do with all of your focus on that one class? Plus that will increase your gpa in your major if you can make an A or B. Or if you think Psych is a possibility, take just one Psych class.

Explore what you really like about Biology or Psych or science in general. What is it that you think you really want to be doing in 5 years? Can you find someone who is doing that job right now and shadow them for a while during the time that you are working toward reinstatement? Perhaps that will help you to see if Bio is what you really want to do. Do you want to work in an office, work out in the field/environment, or research or ??? Find someone doing that job, shadow them, find out what you need to do in order to be prepared for that job.

TAMU has majors that use other sciences. Look through all of the majors offered in all departments/colleges. There may be something else that really sparks your interest.

I hope that you find something where you can excel. Keep us posted.