<p>My son's McGill page indicates his applications are "ready for review." Does that mean he does not need to send in mid-year grades? Thanks for any insights.</p>
<p>If it matters, he's a U.S. high school student.</p>
<p>My son's McGill page indicates his applications are "ready for review." Does that mean he does not need to send in mid-year grades? Thanks for any insights.</p>
<p>If it matters, he's a U.S. high school student.</p>
<p>He absolutely needs to send mid year grades. I believe virtually all applicants are “ready for review”. If he’s from the US then McGill will start making decisions around the end of January. Most likely his status will change to “needs more review”. But that’s completely normal! McGill often makes decisions based on mid year reports. Keep those grades up and good luck!</p>
<p>If you look at past years’ decision threads in the early weeks of decision releases, some applicants were “admitted pending final results” without mid-year reports. </p>
<p>I would go ahead and send a mid-year even if your status says ‘ready for review’ if it doesn’t detract from your application. If it does detract, I might wait and see if a decision is forthcoming without it…</p>
<p>According to McGill:</p>
<p>When the status of your application states “Ready for review”, your file is waiting for review or is under review. The status of your application will remain “Ready for review” until a final decision is made by the Assistant Dean.</p>
<p>[Frequently</a> asked questions](<a href=“http://www.mcgill.ca/law-admissions/undergraduates/admissions/faq/#ADM8]Frequently”>http://www.mcgill.ca/law-admissions/undergraduates/admissions/faq/#ADM8)</p>
<p>What do “items outstanding”, and “ready for review” mean on Minerva?</p>
<p>A status of “Items outstanding” means that your file is incomplete. You are responsible for verifying which documents are missing. The Admissions Office will update the status of your application as and when each document is received.</p>
<p>If “Contact us” appears after your referee’s name, it means that we have received the letter but we cannot accept it because it does not meet admissions requirements (i.e., not on institutional letterhead or not received in a sealed envelope with signature across the flap).</p>
<p>When the status of your application states “Ready for review”, your file is waiting for review or is under review. The status of your application will remain “Ready for review” until a final decision is made by the Assistant Dean.</p>
<p>Thanks, Mrs. Brosnan. I actually called Admissions today because I had a number of questions, including the need for a mid-year report. I was told that if your status says “ready for review” a mid-year is not required at this time. Once the admissions committee reviews your file, if they need more info to make a decision your status will change to ‘further review required’ and there should be some indication of additional documents needed, such as your mid-year report.</p>
<p>how long will the status take to change to admitted decision pending?</p>