real world

<p>so how do you guys feel about coley from real world denver having gone to tulane?</p>


<p>i don't get what your asking about it? i did notice that she went there, personally i think it's pretty cool.</p>

<p>um it was a pretty general question, how do you feel about it? like it? dont? indifferent? there's nothing to get really. haha.</p>

<p>i just wanna know how smart she was, what she majored in, if shes going to grad school and where, etc...why she chose tulane, where she lives now, that sort of thing.</p>

<p>^^...o wow...</p>

<p>jayhawk303, why do u want to know kind of creepy if u ask me.</p>

<p>because itd be cool to know that stuff after watching her on tv, just to see see if she was smart or not...its not just her, in general id like to know where people who went to tulane are going to grad school, why they chose tulane and where they were originally from...i guess that did sound bad, but i didnt mean it in a weird way, just in general about all tulane students</p>