Receiving a D in 1st Semester of Senior Year?

<p>I currently am taking
Math Analysis/Pre-Cal - D
Biotechnology - B +
Modern Literature - B +
Health - A (Graduation Requirement)
Track - A</p>

<p>Is getting a D senior year going to be detrimental in getting accepted to the University? Please let me know. Thanks.</p>

<p>I don’t think it will determine whether you get in or not as long as you did well in all your other high school semesters. Plus they will consider all your extracurriculars, SATs, Essay, etc.</p>

<p>Can they rescind the decision if they later see this when you report your senior grades?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure the college that you decide to attend will receive your final grades at the end of the first semester and second semester. They have the right to rescind the decision, although I have never heard of it happening to anyone that I know.</p>

<p>Alright, because I am planning to make up the class at some community college so I can still get credit and up my grade. I just don’t want that to be the reason I don’t get into U.M, ya know?</p>

<p>yeah, maybe you can email them and explain that to the admissions board. Did you apply EA or RD?</p>

<p>R.D., do i just tell them i messed up and I am still trying to make it up at community college?</p>

<p>I’d probably talk to my college counsellor about it… or an advisor or guidance counsellor… whoever handles helping students with the college process at your school</p>

<p>alright, thanks erica.</p>

<p>how do my chances look?
GPA UW: 3.0 (Unweighted), 3.4
SAT Writing: 560
SAT Math: 580
SAT Critical Reading: 560
1 AP
Volunteer work:
Church Alter Server
Church Carnival Helper
Basketball Camp Councilor
Basketball Score Keeper
Sports: Basketball 3 Years, Track 1 Year
Academic Awards: Student-Athlete Freshman, Sophomore, Junior Year
Arts: Studio Art</p>

<p>Any luck?</p>

<p>I think you have a chance… I applied EA and am still waiting to hear… here are my stats:
My school does not rank
My GPA at my old school was a 4.0 for 2 years and then I transferred to a much more difficult school and my GPA has ranged from about a 3.3 to a 3.6 at that school.
SAT Writing: 720
SAT Math: 660
SAT Critical Reading: 580
3 APs and about 4 or so honors
Academic Programs: University of Miami Summer Scholar Program (earned 6 credits for filmmaking)… got my professors to write recs as well
Volunteer work: Tutor, Tour Guide, Global Partner, etc.
Work Experience: Ice Hockey Referee, Ice Hockey Scorekeeper, Concession Stand Cashier
Sports: Varsity Ice Hockey for 5 years (All-State, All-Division, All-Freshmen, and Rookie of the Year), JV Crew, JV Field Hockey
Academic Awards: National Honor Society, Elementary Functions Awards
Arts: film/video, studio art, ceramics
Clubs: Gay Straight Alliance, Young Republicans Club, Community Service Club, Schools for Schools, Culturally Aware Society, etc.</p>

<p>I’ll let you know if I get in =]</p>

<p>haha my road is the opposite. I left my much harder school, for an easier one. but good luck! hopefully we will both get in next year!</p>