<p>I am a recently dismissed student from New York City College of Technology. I attended three semesters there. My major was electromechanical engineering technology. I unofficially withdrew from two classes first semester that was given from my major and got an F in English 101. Second semester I withdrew from Comparative religion. I got two D's (Bio and English) and a B in Algebra. Near the end of my third semester my psychiatrist diagnosed me with ADHD. The Diagnosis gave me a lot of answers to why I did so poorly in college. After being put on medication I was finally a functional student and was able to do my work on time. Unfortunately the semester was already going down hill,it was too late for me to pick myself up. I failed two classes (Ethics and Trigonometry), I got a A- in computer problem solving, a C in English 102 and a D in microeconomics.
I didn't meet the probation requirements to continue being a student in City Tech. I did appeal my dismissal but it was denied because I failed too many classes. My counselor advised me to enroll in Kingsborough Community College for a semester if I wanted to come back as a student. Since New York City College of Technology is a part of CUNY (City Universities of New York), which most community colleges near me are a part of as well. Getting dismissed from any CUNY will not allow me to enroll in any of the other colleges under CUNY. Since I have to attend another college, I might as well apply to other colleges. Most colleges in New York require around 24 credits and a 2.5 GPA to be accepted as a transfer. My grades should tell you I am unfit for transferring.
I was wondering if i could apply to other colleges a freshman? I am a computer nerd, i love programming and 3d animation. Any major that deals with either of those is great for me. I am planning to apply to NYIT. I heard its easy to get into, but they require two letters of recommendations which I don't know where to get them from at the moment. My highs school GPA is around a 2.2 and I got 1340 on the SAT. I want to apply to SUNY's but I wanna know which ones would be easy for me to get into? Is there any other community colleges in NY outside CUNY? What other colleges should or can I be looking forward to applying to? I really want to be enrolled a college in the fall semester. If you guys have any suggestions/advice/recommendations please let me know!
<p>You cannot apply as an incoming freshman after being enrolled for 3 semesters. I think it’s going to be unlikely that any 4 year SUNY will accept you until you meet their transfer requirements but you might try the 2-year tech SUNYs. Your counselor gave you great advice - there are many CC’s in the SUNY system and they will give you a chance to rehabilitate your grades. You can find their locations, programs, and links at suny.edu.</p>
<p>[SUNY:</a> Map of Campuses](<a href=“http://www.suny.edu/student/campuses_map.cfm]SUNY:”>http://www.suny.edu/student/campuses_map.cfm)</p>
<p>Why not try a semester at community college? It will give you a chance to take some credits right away, sharpen your new study skills, and show City Tech that you mean business.</p>
<p>Community college is probably your only option at this point.</p>
<p>The only 4 yr institutions I would imagine that would ever accept you are for-profit colleges.</p>
<p>Thanks to all of you for your replies. I am applying to Nassau community college.
Is there any private colleges in NYC that isn’t too selective?</p>
<p>You could apply to Long Island University.</p>
<p>But can you afford it?</p>
<p>i recently read ur post about being dismissed from college, and i related to it becoz i also got dismissed and appeal was denied. I want to start fresh also. As u mentioned that you are applying to nassau community college. how are you applying as ? I mean as a transfer or as a new student.? please help me out and guide me as I’m very stressed out with the dismissal. </p>
<p>thank you</p>
<p>You should apply as a transfer. The cc may look at student clearinghouse and if you give the false information you will be charged with acad dis and may get the boot again Also you can sleep at nights not worrying about it.</p>