Recommend A Summer Program For A Sophomore Interested Interested in Social Sciences and Business

About Me (Class of 2024) :

  • Junior Diploma In Tabla with distinction (4 year course, I have been playing for 5)
  • State-level Basketball player, captained my team to District title
  • Nationally ranked tennis player (before COVID, have left it since)
  • Published stories in Sanskrit, poems in Pali
  • Created a non-profit Google extension that uses crypto for transparency
  • QCEC Silver Medallist
  • 92/100 in school, was in junior student council

I would appreciate suggestions of Summer Programmes I can do in 2022 that would benefit me.
My areas of interest are: economics, anthropology, journalism/writing, political science, and business.
I currently plan to do YYGS in the summer of 2023.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Benefit you in what way?

Exposure and college applications mostly.

It would be helpful if you defined the acronyms used in your post (Tabla, QCEC, & YYGS ???).

TYIA (thank you in advance)

For college admissions pay-to-play summer activities generally don’t help in themselves. Highly selective ones (which you will notice are free) can make a difference (eg Telluride. Clark, RSI). YYGS is in the middle.

The then-head of admissions at Princeton once said to us “we don’t care what you do with your summer - we care that you do something and especially that you can show what you have done / are doing with that experience.”

If you think that the exposure to Yale profs you might meet if you are accepted to YYGS is going to help with admissions to elite US schools get ready to be disappointed- & save your $7K.

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What about volunteering to work in the office of your Rep or Senator for the summer? All of them have local offices in the district or your state. These offices are involved in constituent services and welcome young volunteers. Don’t do any program simply because it “looks good” on your app. Do it because you’re genuinely interested.

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I disagree as one’s reasons for attending “pay-to-play summer activities” can make a significant impact on the student’s life and further refine or broaden one’s interests.

@collegemom3717: Just read the quote in your post from the then head of Princeton’s admissions if you need support for my point.

@publisher, we actually agree - ^^that’s my caveat!

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My son did one week at Purdue. Was rejected. New ACT and they admitted him.

I don’t think it impacted his apps although how would one know? He did fall in love with Purdue he also was jazzed at the work they did.

While he inexplicably chose Alabama over Purdue, he’s now a junior in mechanical engineering, getting his butt kicked.

Had he not taken the week and seen the long term path, he might be like half the other kids and changed majors by now instead of stocking it out like he has.

To me, that’s a great value of a camp, etc.

A student should be themselves, not look to game the system.


Thank you. It’d be great if you could share the tuition, it isn’t listed on their website.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

thanks for the Eureka info, how much does it cost?

maybe the Stanford Summer Humanities Institute?