
<p>I know West Point requires teacher recommendations, but I think I have read somewhere that the Academy either picks the teacher for you or requires certain subjects but could anyone shine some more light on how exactly this works? I couldn't seem to find anything on the admissions site about it.</p>

<p>Your Candidate file requires 3 “School Official Evaluations” which consists of your Math, Physics/Chem, and English teachers.</p>

<p>Additional recs can be sent in if you feel the need.</p>

<p>Is this junior year or any year in those subjects? Should my son start asking for those around April or May or so (he’s a junior)? I know for all of our nomination sources, it only specified 3 letters, and that one be from a non-school source (listed coaches, clergy, or employers as some possibilities). My son has a different math teacher this semester than last semester (only two days in so far). Could he ask his teacher from last term, who he was going to use for his nomination anyways?</p>

<p>On that note, if he’s applying to all 3 academies, as well as at least one civilian college, plus 3 sources for nominations, when you ask for a recommendation, do you just ask the teacher to write say 7 of them?</p>

<p>they can be any year as long as they are in the appropriate subject. I used my english 11 teacher, calculus teacher, and chem teacher. they all happened to be from my junior year. most students choose junior or soph year teachers b/c they are most recent (freshmen teachers might not completely remember you, senior teachers dont know you well enough yet). </p>

<p>I advise you young kids to make great impressions on your future teachers - you might need to call upon them for things like this. one thing that always helped me was asking to sit front row. it was pretty beneficial</p>