
<p>Ok, this is probably a dumb question, but...</p>

<p>On their web page, they said that recommendations are optional. So would you recommend to send them recommendations anyways? Would it make a difference in admission or financial aid or something? </p>


<p>What kind of stats do you have? (ie. gpa, sat, Aps, Ecs, etc.)</p>

<p>GPA- 100.00 (weighted), 96-ish unweighted.</p>

<p>Ranking- At least top 10% out of 600+ students. My school hasn't ranked, yet.</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning- Taking the October test
SAT Subject- 700+ in chem, phys, and math 1</p>

<p>APs- Currently taking all AP classes. Took four 11th grade, one 10th grade. (AP exam grades are: one 3, three 4s, and a 5).</p>

<p>Ec- Marching band for 2 yrs, Latin club 3 yrs, Math club 3 yrs, NHS 2 yrs, and some other ones. </p>

<p>100+ volunteer hours. </p>

<p>I want to apply for a major in Natural Science at UT.</p>

<p>Did you want to apply in Honors or anything?</p>

<p>^No </p>

<p>Oh, and I also live in Texas.</p>

<p>Well they couldn't hurt as far as admissions goes. I submitted them, but I know most people I know didn't. Umm, I really don't know about how recommendations work for financial aid so I really couldn't tell you anything about that, other than it couldn't hurt. </p>

<p>Your stats look pretty good, if you stay in the top 10%( and get above like a 1300) you should get into NS.</p>

<p>Thanks foxshox!</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>