Regents Scholar!

<p>I bet your heart skipped a beat thinking they already released the Regents decisions. XD</p>

<p>When do I find out if I'm nominated for it? I'm an OOS applicant, so I don't think there's an interview involved. :/</p>

<p>i think out-of-state aren’t notified for a while. like until decisions come out =[ boo
but dont quote me on that, i read it from another post- though i believe it was a credible poster</p>

<p>You are very correct! Out of state scholars do not interview and will only know if they were considered if they receive the notification that they are offered the scholarship the day decisions are released.</p>

<p>As for Northern CA… I suspect you’ll be hearing VERY soon…</p>

<p>In-state applicants get interviews?? i would actually be really happy if that happened. or is that only for nor cal? im in central, closer to so cal tho</p>

<p>All in-state get interviewed; Norcal @ Berkeley, Socal @ another location.</p>

<p>I have a hunch they will be releasing those emails on Single Awareness Day…</p>

<p>^ Haha, S.A.D.</p>

<p>What happens with the interview? Are we really competing for the scholarship, and the interview is merely a formality or what?</p>

<p>“What happens with the interview? Are we really competing for the scholarship, and the interview is merely a formality or what?”</p>

<p>Well, I received the scholarship back in the day [in state], and the interview is a bit more than a formality, I think. Not everyone I know who went to the interview got the scholarship. Generally, they’ll have noted some things down about your essays, and will ask you about 'em. And your interviewer, to my knowledge, is a Berkeley professor, so of course treat him/her with great respect, try to motivate why you wrote what you did in your essays. Mine ended up being semi about my goals at Berkeley, and the professor told a bit about what he liked about the school and all, and that was the general deal. </p>

<p>Oh, and potentially display interest in the professor’s work…well, I naturally do that anyway, but if you aren’t genuinely interested, try to be! While you may not get your first pick, you do have some say in what department the professor comes from.</p>

<p>I think, though, that your stats and all will carry you to an extent even after the interview is taken into consideration. But for the record, my ECs were horrible - most of what I spoke of was how much I was into math.</p>

<p>^ Ahh, I see. Was your interviewer from the Math department?</p>

<p>My high school had 15-20 or so students interviewed my year so we compared what our interviews were like afterwards. Some students were grilled with a ton of questions about their ECs, essays, etc. Other students had it really easy. My professor was from Haas and was really easy-going. We chatted mostly about what schools I was considering and how I should decide between my two top choices. I had a lot of opportunities to ask him questions about the business program and such. It was more a conversation than an interview. I know several other students who were interviewed by him but the interview did not go so well. In general, I think they know who they are going to pick for sure and then there were a few they were not sure about so they intereviewed them more indepthly. But overall, the Regents scholarship is kind of random so don’t feel to bad if you didn’t get. In the end, three students from my HS received and accepted it and it can be argued that other students should have gotten it instead or something.</p>

<p>do you guys remember when it came out last year? date and time?</p>

<p>check it (the myberkeleyapp, not your email) now. I just got it</p>

<p>shoot i ddint get it…what does your last name start with asd?</p>



<p>i haven’t heard, so i’m assuming this applies :]</p>

<p>last name starts with r</p>

<p>Didn’t get it :(, I was getting my hopes up after I got it for UCLA, ah well as long as I get in I can wait a little over a month to know for sure.</p>

<p>I got it!!! Does that mean I am guaranteed admission?</p>

<p>Yes, consider yourself admitted, cherryswirl.</p>

<p>And AARRRRGH! OOS have to wait. :frowning: Lucky people who got them today! Congrats!</p>

<p>anyone know if this is rolling or if they release all regents scholars today?</p>

<p>Yay! Just got the email :)</p>

<p>So, does anyone know how many of these invitations are sent out (and more importantly, how many scholarships are granted)? More or less selective than UCLA’s Regents?</p>

<p>And secondly, I live in Southern California. For the interview, is scheduling somewhat flexible (I work everyday, so weekends would be the best/only time I could interview), and is it held on the UC Berkeley campus or another location?</p>