Registration problem

<p>S has been trying to get a registration clearance since last Thursday morning. He is a Civ Eng major trying to register
for Statics AEM201. System says he doesn’t have pre-req though he is in the honors section of that pre-req Physics class currently
Any advice? Apparently his assigned advisor left UA and the replacement is not yet working in all capacities.</p>

<p>My advice would be for him to visit the department office for AEM201 and ask for someone who can clear registration holds. In many departments, there is a non-faculty staff member who also has this capability, though any professor with advising responsibilities can clear such holds as well.</p>

<p>Dr Hubner is the prof for this class Fall 2014 - he would be most helpful.</p>

<p>Did he Take Honors Physics? Seems To Ne A Common Issue That The System Does Not Recognize PH125 As Meeting Pre Few. Email John Baker, Head Of AEM. Includ CWID. He Will Forward To Sherri Mink In ARM Dept Who Will Process Overrides</p>

<p>Yep - Honors Physics. Thanks Longhaul. That was the proper route. All set now</p>