Regular Decision Thread C/O 2O16

<p>since theyve already started releasing decisions and i havent gotten mine yet, would i be able to call them and ask them what their decision for me is? or would they say no? like i seriously just cant wait any longer…</p>

<p>The wait is driving me crazy too, but I don’t think calling them is a good idea. They are probably very busy and won’t tell you their decision because if the do that for some people, then everyone will call, and they will be completely overwhelmed with calls.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

[<em>] SAT I (breakdown): 780 M, 760 W, 660 CR (2200)
[</em>] SAT II: 750 Math Level 2, 680 US History, 650 Chemistry
[<em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.90
[</em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 7/560
[<em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): European History (5), US History (5), Chemistry (3), English Language (3)
[</em>] Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics C, AP English Literature, AP Calculus BC, AP Spanish Language, AP Statistics, AP U.S. Government/Microeconomics
[<em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Numerous Debate Competition Awards, Boys State (CA), etc.
[</em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Speech & Debate (President), Math Club (President & Founder), Engineering Club (President), etc.
[<em>] Summer Activities: Summer School, Boys State, Operation Catapult Engineering Camp (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
[</em>] Essays: Decent
[<em>] Teacher Recommendation: Great
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Decent
[<em>] State (if domestic applicant): CA
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Hispanic/Caucasian
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Income Bracket: $150,000+
[</em>] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM
[<em>] Strengths: Academics, Academic Extracurriculars
[</em>] Weaknesses: Sports, Community Service
[<em>] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Academics
[</em>] Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Accepted at Rice University, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona
[/ul]General Comments: Happy that I got the Dickinson Scholarship for $20,000 per academic year!!!</p>

<p>@dantheman, it says in the admissions decision letter online whether you got a scholarship</p>



<p>That was an excerpt from mine… it appears both online and on the hard copy.</p>

<p>@haaaaaaaay, thanks for the info. I did not get that in my letter but I am a NMF and Miami has a guaranteed scholarship for NMF, so I assume once I officially declare Miami as my first choice school I will get that scholarship. Is that correct?</p>

<p>Accepted Spring Semester, waitlisted for the fall. Offered a spot in fall semester in D.C. program. More than i expected since i was differed from EA! Im excited!!!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROIDX using CC</p>

<p>I also applied Early Action and got deferred. People from my school who were deferred found out they got in. Could it mean that they sent out acceptances first lol</p>

<p>@dantheman: Have you checked myUM under current awards?</p>

<p>Yeah it was not on there. I will call them tomorrow, I also had a different school as my first choice and changed it to Miami via fax which I will send tomorrow. Hopefully this can be worked out.</p>

<p>ok did anyone apply ED and get deferred then accepted regular for fall admission? because all im seeing is waitlists, spring admins, and denials and its freaking me out</p>

<p>I just read a little further down my waitlist letter. Turns out im Spring Admit. Pretty cool since they have a fall program in D.C for Spring Admits!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROIDX using CC</p>

<p>Yea I read a little more into the letter, accepted for spring semester…what are the chances of getting off the wait list for the fall??</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

SAT I (breakdown):
SAT II: 730 Bio, 610 Latin
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.96
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 5/222
AP (place score in parenthesis): Biology (5), English Language (4), Latin (3)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Environmental, AP English Literature, AP Calculus AB, Organic Chemistry Honors, Humanities Honors, Physics Honors, Theology Honors</p>

<p>$20,000 a year scholarship </p>

• SAT I (breakdown): 630 M, 580 W, 640 CR (1850)
• SAT II: None
• Weighted GPA (out of 5.0): 3.99
• Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): top 30% of 100
• AP (place score in parenthesis): English Language (3)
• Senior Year Course Load: H Anatomy, H Literary Analysis, Calculus, H Spanish 3, H Art Portfolio, H Digital art and design
• Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Scholastic art award, numerous other art awards, Rhode Island Honors society, two poetry contests,
• Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Sailing team (Captain), Swim team, Spanish club, photography club, close-up Washington DC, habitat for humanity, student council (delegate)
• Summer Activities: Sailing team, sailing coach, sailing instructor
• Essays: average
• Teacher Recommendation: Great
• Counselor Rec: not sure
• State (if domestic applicant): RI
• School Type: Private Catholic
• Ethnicity: White
• Gender: female
• Income Bracket: $200,000+
• Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): none
• Strengths: Art, extra curricular
• Weaknesses: Number of APs
• Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: extra curricular and art
• Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Accepted: Drexel, temple, URI, Wentworth, pratt
waitlisted: northeastern</p>


<p>anyone who wants to know my stats please PM me, i dont feel comfortable posting them</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from Frost yet?</p>

<p>just checked MyUM and it says im waitlisted for Fall admission</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

ACT: 26
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.90
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 3/330
Senior Year Course Load: AICE Physics , AICE English Literature, AICE Math, Spanish2, AICE Thinking Skills, Ceramics, Health Sci.
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Numerous Debate Competition Awards, Speech Awards, District Awards for Leadership
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Speech & Debate , Academic Team, NHS, School Advisory Council
Summer Activities:
Essays: Decent
Teacher Recommendation: Great
Counselor Rec: Decent
State (if domestic applicant): FL
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: $20000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM
Strengths: Academics, Academic Extracurriculars
Weaknesses: Community Service, ACT
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Academics
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: UF and UCF
General Comments: I got a $8,000 per year scholarship, but I don’t think I can attend. It’s too much and I doubt they will be able to give enough to match my full ride at UF. Still hoping to be a Cane.</p>


When did you get notified of this?</p>