Transfer RD

<p>I don't think there's another thread on transfer regular decisions. I read the freshmen decisions, it seems like they released waitlisted decisions so far.
Has anyone heard from UM yet? I keep checking myUM, but all I see is "Your application has been sent to the admission committee for review." I don't know whether this is a good sign or not. I believe the decisions started going out on March 1st.</p>

<p>Just found out earlier today via the CaneID portal that I’ve been accepted…decisions are happening</p>

<p>I was accepted as well. I don’t think ill be attending since no transfer housing is usually offered. I need to find out more information.</p>

<p>hmm well my myUM page only lists the documents that were received but it doesn’t say anywhere that my application was sent to the admissions office. Is this normal?
I think I’m just being impatient :)</p>

<p>strangely my acceptance was for CAS when I applied for the School of Nursing & Health Studies…trying to get a degree in Public Health…also any way to see what kind of Financial Aid they’re offering? Miami is full need met correct?</p>

<p>I just checked myUM today and was notified that I got accepted. I’ve been checking the site everyday since March 1st. Just be patient and keep checking daily if you haven’t received your decision yet.</p>

<p>Was anyone here who got accepted offered any scholarships on the online letter?</p>

<p>teblue23-Yes, for EA my scholarship was in the online letter and then also in the mail acceptance package.</p>

<p>anyone get accepted to the engineering school?</p>

<p>That’s weird. I didn’t seem to get any scholarships according to the online letter. Still gotta wait for the acceptance package to come in the mail though.</p>

<p>teblue23- What were your stats like? I’m assuming you applied as a transfer from another college cause your in this thread.
Anyhow, this is what is says online.
Q: If a student does not receive an academic/merit scholarship, can he/she qualify for these in subsequent years?
A: No. These scholarships are offered only to incoming freshmen. (Qualifying transfer students may be eligible for one of our limited numbers of academic/merit scholarships designated for transfer students.)</p>

<p>what about financial aid need based scholarships/grant funds? Or is that a different process from merit scholarships</p>

<p>Was accepted two days ago as junior transfer… in the letter it says no housing is guaranteed, does anybody know if it is still possible to get in or live in the dorms…or what are you all doing for housing?</p>

<p>S’s scholarship was in the online letter (EA.)</p>

<p>@John I think I will be applying to live in the UV apartments.</p>

<p>I applied March 1st. I just received an acceptance letter</p>

<p>I thought these were sent out on a rolling basis…</p>

<p>Could this be a mistake? Lol, I’m in shock. I don’t believe that I could receive a decision that quickly.</p>

<p>That is pretty fast. Congrats :).</p>

<p>Has anyone here received their financial award letter from UM yet?</p>

<p>I applied as a transfer. Does anyone know the latest date that I can find out about my decision? I was a little bit confused because for documents received it said to send spring semester transcript when available.</p>

<p>I got accepted! Does anybody know when the financial aid packages are going to be sent?</p>