Rejected by Purdue?

I guess I am just a little confused as to why I was turned down. I easily fall into the top portion of applicants. I wasnt flat out rejected, but rather denied/ offered alternate major. I applied for chemical engineering, and my stats are
33 ACT
3.85 UW GPA
4.5 W GPA
I am not necessarily upset about being turned down, but rather scared that a lot more disappointment will await me in the future. Any suggestions ideas why I was rejected?

Are you in state or OOS?

@TomSrOfBoston Im OOS

in limited enrolment programs they may favor in state applicants.

Also, if you didn’t apply EA there simply may not have been any spots left.

There is alot that comes into an admissions decision I believe, and evidently it doesn’t only come down to the numbers. It will be difficult to pin point exactly why, but if you don’t mind me asking, what were your essays like? did you send in a letter of recommendation? extracurricular activities, sports? and rigor of classes, especially your senior classes? Plus don’t let this discourage you, from your stats you are a competitive candidate :slight_smile:

@C18H24O2 My CA was somewhat unconventional, as it was an extended metaphor of my introversion, which in hindsight may have been a bad idea but i liked it. My supplemental essay was very generic as I devoted my energy to more selective schools. I dont know if LORs were required but i sent two from teachers who thought very highly of me. My weakest part was definitely my ECs, as I have been in 0 (yes 0) clubs because I was devoted to varsity football and track. I took the most rigorous schedule that I could, but going to an inner city public school and many schedule conflicts that only included 4-5 APs (2 sr yr). I am also playing the URM card (1/4 Hispanic) and I am 1st Gen. And since it may be a factor, I aapplied in late December.

Your stats look good, especially for someone playing varsity sports, which I know take up a huge amount of time. I think timing had to be a big part-- they started sending out acceptances in October.