Relative strengths and weaknesses of Ivies


<p>It is no longer true that it is hard to get into colleges in China. In 2011, 9.33M students took the college entrance exam, with 6.75M accepted, with an overall acceptance rate of 72.3%. The projection is that, by 2014, there will be more slots than applicants because of the decreasing population and expansion of universities. </p>

<p>On the other hand, Chinese students/parents are as obsessed with status as the CCers :slight_smile: The admission to the best Chinese universities such as Peking, Tsinghua, Shanghai Jiao Tong, Fudan is as difficult, if not more so, as HYPSM.</p>

<p>to the OP
Have your babies-enjoy their babyhood and their toddler hood-most beautiful moments of a parent’s life and do every tiny teeny weeny little stupid thing to hear their innocent giggle.Believe me -time flies fast and they will all be grown up and telling you to mind your business and let them make their own decisions.
Be a supportive well informed parent so that you can put in a suggestion when the time is right and that’s it-Eventually you will see them standing on the edge of the cliff to fly off and you will wipe that tear of the side of your eyes and give him/her the nudge to take that flight into the yonder.And life comes back to you in a circle.</p>