Renew scholarships?

<p>How often are scholarships renewed based on GPA? per semester or year? I received no scholarships and I'm an incoming freshman...Is there a possibility that if I maintain a good GPA, I can get a 20k or 24k scholarship next year??</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that you can’t get a scholarship if you weren’t offered one originally…</p>

<p>Once a scholarship award is finalized, it cannot be increased.</p>

<p>No, I meant the next academic year when they see my final grades at the end of my freshman year (at Miami)
Is there a possibility of getting a scholarship then during my sophomore year?</p>

<p>Like we said before, there’s no chance</p>

<p>Hey dancer26
I’m in the exact same position as your are now. No scholarship, incoming freshman, international, urghh</p>

<p>I guess if you get good grades in your freshman year, maybe you should have a good talk with the financial aid office
(Hey, if you get on the dean’s list, I don’t see why they wouldn’t reconsider about it… I’m pretty sure there would be someone out there having a crazy freshman year and end up losing their scholarship… oh well, you know, it’s MIAMI)</p>

<p>I know the rules about the scholarship are stated clearly on the website, but if you let the people of the fin aid office know, at least they can help you and you might end up getting some outside scholarships.</p>

<p>Or the other (no-so-good) choice, if you have really good grades, and the financial situation is a big problem for you, you can always try to transfer out to a school that offer transfer scholarships or transfer back to your state school. Even though transfer scholarships, of course, won’t be big scholarships, but at least having some is better than having none, I suppose.</p>