Report a bad AP score?

<p>First off, can we just self-report our AP scores to UC schools? If yess, I was wondering if you guys think I should report a 2 on one of the AP exams I took. Since I took the AP class junior year, would the UC's expect me to report the score?</p>

<p>Did you actually take the class or did you self-study. If you actually took the class then you should report it because if you don't then they will wonder why you didn't report it. If you self-studied then you don't have to report it, if you don't want to. By the way what subject was it if you don't mind me asking?</p>

<p>According to the UC website (can't find the link right now), passing AP scores will be looked at favorably, while failing them will be look at neutrally and not negatively. So you have nothing to lose by reporting all your scores.</p>

<p>The score will be on your score report regardless, but since you won't get any benefit out of a 2, don't put it on your app. You don't get college credit unless it's a 3 or more.</p>

<p>I'd retake if you can. A 2 is fairly embarassing.</p>

<p>Redo it if you know you can do better. If you got a 2 in chem, and you HATE chem, don't retake it. If, however, you got a 2 on Psychology which was your absolute favorite class, and you only got that two because you were sick while you were doing the test, redo it. It would only be torture to retake an exam that you hate, or an exam in a subject you just really aren't good at. Good luck, though.</p>