Requirements for Admission

So I plan to apply to Wisconsin next year and I was looking at the admissions website and I noticed that it said there was a math requirement that says this:

Math requirement includes at least one year each of algebra, geometry, and advanced math, or an integrated sequence of courses. Courses that will not fulfill this requirement include: statistics, business math, and computer classes.

I’ll be taking my fourth year of math next year and am most likely going into AP statistics, does this course not fulfill the requirement for admissions? Does taking AP stat simply make it impossible for me? Has anyone else ever gotten in having had taken AP stat senior year?

Did you have Algebra, Geometry and then an advanced math class junior year? (Algebra 2?)

Yes, AP Stats counts as long as you have taken the other requirements or algebra and geometry.

@Madison85 @lnsu22 I have taken geometry, algebra 2, and pre-calc. Next year I will take AP stat most likely, will this end up working out with regards to being considered for admissions?

You should be fine but you can always call Admissions to make sure.

Trust me you’ll be fine. I know others who have done the same and have gotten in. If you’re really in doubt though you can call admissions just like Madison85 said.

@lnsu22 @Madison85 you guys are probably right, i think it just means that the average accepted student did four years of math and the requirement is geometry, algebra, and an advanced course, which I guess the pre-calc i am doing would fill?


You have met the math requirements. Take whatever math related courses you wish to next year. Especially if you are instate I’m sure your HS guidance counselor is aware of college math requirements and has advised you appropriately. btw- take note of the required foreign language requirements (less than the 4 years that most admitted students will have).

@wis75 what does that mean about the foreign language requirement? To be a competitive applicant you must be taking foreign language all four years? What if you only took three?

Don’t worry about it. My warning is to not focus on only one part of the needed courses. You need two and most does not mean all will have more than you. I pointed this out on a math requirement thread because students need to be aware of all courses to be taken and foreign languages may be forgotten about. Having three instead of four semesters will not make the difference if you have other strengths. For some, not struggling and getting a lesser grade in the fourth year will allow them to have a more competitive gpa or allow them to take a better for them course.

To graduate from UW with a BS (in any major in L&S) one needs three semesters’ worth (three HS years) of a foreign language- you will have met this while still inn HS. To get a BA (again in any field- I chose a BA for my Honors Chemistry degree eons ago- I checked recently and those rules have not changed) one needs four semesters of one language or three of one and two of a second language. It makes sense to finish four years while in HS if it works out. If you took a year’s worth in middle school and could take the fifth year in HS you do it only because you want to, not because it helps for college if you do not plan to pursue it in college (I am also a firm believer in using your college time to explore other fields instead of continuing your HS foreign language to get retroactive credits for HS work).

Of course, you have many more languages to choose from at UW than in any HS and could have more fun learning something other than typical HS fare. Also, if you choose to get a BA you likely will enjoy taking courses such as another foreign language. A hard core STEM major may not want to delve into more humanities. L&S is where the majority of UW students graduate from- other colleges/schools have slightly different graduation requirements.