rescinded admissions

<p>If someone was admitted ED to duke pratt.. but drops a class like AP physics or AP calculus during second semester senior year. would that cause his admssion to be rescinded?</p>

<p>Yes, you will be rescinded if you drop AP Physics or AP Calculus. You better stick with it buddy…</p>

<p>… no, you should be fine, :)</p>

<p>really? but i heard that they reserve the right to revoke ur admittance if you slack off senior year??</p>

<p>Just to be sure, I would call the Duke Admissions Office up before making any significant schedule change.</p>

<p>slacking off does not mean one less AP class. It means going under a 3.0 GPA or getting Ds and Fs</p>

<p>Check with admissions. I know of two ED admits who were told by admissions that they were not permitted to drop an AP class. So please do not listen to those on this board and call the Duke admissions office.</p>

<p>yeh, u have to ask Duke before you can switch it…most of the time they will say no unless it is replaced with an academic class or you can think of a decent reason to drop it other than wanting to have less work and more time to chill</p>

<p>Multiple Cs or a single F will get you rescinded at most schools, so tread carefully.</p>

<p>Most top 20 schools could rescind admission if you start dropping classes. D got an early notification of admission at a top 20 school (non-binding admit and we are thrilled) but her admission letter specifically stated that she could not drop any classes she was taking at the start of her senior year. I would think that an ED admit would be much stricter than an RD decision! I agree, you need to call Duke and make sure you get the full name of the person who gives you an opinion on this for your protection. Better yet, I would specifically ask to speak to your regional admissions counselor.</p>

<p>you probably shouldn’t, because then they start to think that you only took the classes long enough to apply to college, and then got rid of them as soon as you got in.</p>