<p>How easy is it to get undergraduate research experience at CMU?</p>
<p>i know at least for physics undergrads research opportunities during the academic year on campus are abundant and they have great programs for getting you into summer research if you want to do that. i'm not sure it's safe to assume that for all the departments but i'd bet it'd be similar</p>
<p>It is extremely easy to get involved in undergraduate research opportunities. More than 70% of all undergraduates get involved in research projects either during the year or throughout the summer (that number is not only in the sciences but HSS, SCS, TSB - all the schools at Carnegie Mellon) Faculty members are very approachable and oftenn work their research into classes.</p>
<p>Food for thought. I wanted to get a research job. My prof told me to knock on some doors and I would find a position. and I did</p>
<p>I'm a freshman involved in two reasearch projects and though its not really typical for freshman to get research it can certinly be done. I have a number of complaints about this place but that is one of the things I am most satisfied with.</p>