
<p>Since applying to the Honors College, I have condensed my resume as well as added/updated some activities. This is the version I would like the CBHP selection committee to see; however, my CBHP application won’t let me delete my “existing resume” and replace it with my new one. Is there any other way to do this, like on myBama?</p>

<p>I’m not sure about doing that in myBama. But, if i recall correctly, my D submitted an updated resume via email during her CBH application process.</p>

<p>Call the university and explain the situation.</p>

<p>I would send updates to Jane Batson: <a href=“”></a>. She is the great organizer of CBHP.</p>

<p>I seriously would not stress about it. Basically, as long as you have a decent GPA and test scores, you’ll get into the honors college. 1/4 of students are in Alabama’s honors college, and the average ACT score of all students here is something low like 23 I think, so you should be okay…</p>

<p>The same thing happened to me. Go back to the honors college application and upload your new resume. It will automatically replace your old one. You can only change your resume from your Honors application, not your CBHP application. This may sound weird, but even after you are accepted to the honors program you can change your honors application.</p>

<p>I would send it to Mrs. Batson with an explaination. Also ask Mrs. B if there’s a way to do it online.</p>


<p>Admission to the Honors College requires a 28 ACT or 1250 SAT and a minimum 3.5 high school GPA. </p>

<p>The OP’s question was regarding an application for CBH. Programs such as CBH and UFE will be more selective than the general HC requirements.</p>

<p>For those who are not aware Jane Batson is the Program Director of the CBHP. So much more than the “organizer” referenced in previous post. While she does a great job putting together the CBHP interview weekend, I just don’t want the uninformed to take communications with her lightly. Many have referred to her as the CBHP “Mom” and to be sure she does care for our kids, but she is their Leader as well! Roll Tide, and good luck to everyone going through this years CBHP process!!!</p>

<p>DS submitted his CBHP application yesterday, and experienced some “technical difficulties” which had him freaking out just a little. Thanks to CC, I told him to very respectfully email Jane Batson to explain the problem. She responded back to him in less than 5 minutes (this was on a Sunday morning, mind you) and assured him there was nothing to worry about! Just another reason to love 'Bama…</p>

<p>My DD got hers off yesterday in time. Thrown for a loop when she realized the character limit included spaces, so had to cut and squeeze to fit the space. But, it’s done. Now the wait begins.</p>

<p>Sticker, my son had the same issue with the 3,900 character limit. I wonder how many other kids did? Anyway, good luck to your daughter!</p>

<p>My S found this out (the hard way) in many applications he made online that first year: It’s best for students to use Word (or similar) to compose your response originally, then use ‘word count’ to include spaces, BEFORE you paste into the application box. Be warned, also, that certain characters do not translate once pasted, so always go back through your response in the app itself, and make sure you change all the quote marks and such, by retyping those in the application/box itself. Good luck, everyone!</p>