I took ACT in April 2014 and scored a 35 overall (English 34, Math 36, Reading 33 and Science 35). However, I only scored an 8 on writing which brings my English/ Writing portion to 31. I am thinking about majoring in Math or Engineering.
Should I retake another ACT or just leave it? I am not sure that I can score this high in the next ACT so I don't know whether is worthy to retake this.</p>
<p>Thanks!! :):)</p>
<p>Honestly, I wouldn’t retake. Your score is very good, and the essay isn’t too important as long as you demonstrate your writing ability in your essays.</p>
<p>I’m not even sure that colleges look at the essay that much.</p>
<li>You don’t need to take it</li>
<li>I recommend you not take it</li>
<p>Colleges don’t care about the essay, and retaking after a 35 will make you look like a crazy person!
I got a 34 composite with a 9 on the essay and got into plenty of GREAT schools (including UPenn which I’ll be attending in the fall). Chill. :)</p>
<p>OH and my friend who got a 33 on her ACT and an 8 on the essay, also, got into UPenn and will be attending with me. Scores aren’t such a big deal once you reach the comfortable zone of 33 :)</p>
<p>@noel597 thanks a lot!! I think I am not gonna take it :):)</p>
If you need any help with the college admissions process or just want to ask some questions, feel free to PM me</p>
<p>@noel597 thanks! :D</p>