<p>Most of you probably would.. I got a 700 at the end of my sophomore year. As for my others, 670 in math 1 at the end of 9th, and 680 bio at the end of 10th. </p>
<p>When I took these I didn't think anything of them and didn't practice/study. But now that I am more serious about college and whatnot, I will actually be studying for Chem this May. Now the thing is, I have no idea what school I really want to go to. The ones that I have in my mind right now are some not-so-great schools in my area (NY) - St Johns University, Macaulay Honors college (cuny) (queens, hunter, or city), Stony Brook. But now as I'm looking into better colleges, I see Carnegie Mellon, RPI, WPI, and some others. Should I retake the Math2? I probably(most likely) wont send my Math 1, and Bio I am not retaking since i probably wont remember anything.</p>