Retake SAT IIs for Transfer?

<p>I graduated high school when I was 15 (skipped 8th grade, graduated early) so I took the SAT IIs when I was 15 and didn't do so hot. My SATs are 770 math, 720 CR, 710 writing, and my SAT IIs are 700 math, 640 Spanish. Would it be a good idea to retake my SAT IIs if I'm looking to transfer to top-tier schools, or is that silly? I don't want to retake them, but I want to do everything in my power to get in . . . and I would hate for those scores to hold me down.
Extra info:
My high school GPA was a 3.8, and I currently have a 4.0 at a pretty good school. My ECs are solid, but not incredible. I'm looking at NYU, GWU, Georgetown, Columbia and Barnard.

<p>thats silly…your sat II’s are ok and won’t be that significant in the xfer process. moreover, if you did well on your sat I’s at 15, i dont think they will see much validity in the notion that you didnt do well on your sat II’s because of your age…if you want a real shot at columbia work on those ec’s and making yourself stand out. you should have a great shot at everywhere else</p>

<p>Okay, that makes me feel a little better. And I reeeeally don’t want to take any standardized tests again.
About Columbia - I’m trying! :slight_smile: So far I have a million and one reasons why I’m dying to go there . . . but quite a few less why they need me over anyone else. But I’m working on it. And of course, the other schools I’m looking at are great also and probably more realistic choices.