Retake Subject tests?

<p>I have ACT 35, Math Level 2 800, Chemistry 740, and USH 720. Should I retake my Chem and USH SAT2's? I've heard Harvard does focus somewhat on high test scores?</p>

<p>I would certainly advise 3 750+ SAT IIs, but don't kill yourself for a few points.
750 is just the benchmark.</p>

<p>For example. MIT's 25-75 percentile for science SAT IIs was 700-800 last year, while math was 730-800. They are the only school on Harvard's level to release the SAT II distributions, so take it for what it is.</p>

<p>1MX, where's that info?</p>

<p>MIT's site and 750 is the understood bench mark
MIT and Harvard are near equals, so the numbers are applicable to Harvard as well.</p>

<p>If you feel that you can get a higher score, then retake them. If not, then there's not reason to retake them.</p>

<p>i thought 600 was the benchmark</p>

<p>Unless you are being recruited for athletics, or are a legacy, you better have those 750s to get a serious read of your application. See the list of 2011 Acceptances on this site to see who was accepted and what scores they had.</p>

<p>600 isnt the benchmark even for recruited athletes, perhaps football and men's basketball are the exceptions. I agree with the other posts - 600 doesn't make you at all competitive unless you have some pretty huge hook - as far as I know, it's not good enough even for legacies.</p>