Retaking Chem 1A

<p>So right now I have a C in Chem 1A and am considering re-taking it. I was wondering if Summer with Chunmei Li or Spring with Nitsche is better. I am thinking summer might be better because I could devote all of my time to it, but I would rather leave Chem 3A for summer, but I hear Nitsche is easy, especially compared to Stacy.</p>

<p>Spring with Nitsche</p>

<p>I say don’t retake it… it’s going to be a pain… just do better in the rest of your classes/future courses.</p>

<p>dont do chem 1a in the summer!!!</p>

<p>cannot stress this enough. she is a horrible teacher</p>

<p>If its a C i say don’t retake. D then go for it.</p>

<p>You can’t retake a class when you get a “C.” You can only retake it if you get a no pass or D+ and below.</p>

<p>I would say don’t retake it. It would be a waste of time and a big pain. You are only half way through the semester and how do you know you won’t get that B- if you try hard? Don’t just give yourself some excuses to be lazy right now… you should put in good work in this class until the last minute.</p>

<p>Chem 1A is also curved at the end of the semester after the final. I knew of people who were getting Cs before the curve and then had As afterwards. Wait until your final grade comes out before signing up for Chem 1A in the spring.</p>

<p>@ dill-scout - really?! I thought they strictly stick to the percentage ranges on the syllabus…are they lying to us?</p>

<p>I call shens dill as much as i love and trust you. lol Or rather I call shens to the point where C becomes an A. My friend went from a low C to a B- though.
I had an A going in to the final and ended up with a B afterwards.</p>