Returning to dorms?

<p>I’m looking at flights back to Alabama and realized that s might need to make move-in appt. etc…</p>

<p>Can someone who’s been through the return process share logistics?</p>

<p>It dawned I me I can’t just book a flight and ride back to UA, that it might need to be coordinated with dorm move-in…</p>


<p>Thanks, the student, for posting this. We know as incoming freshmen, we had to set up move in times and such, but do we have to do the same for the second year?</p>

<p>Only thing I’ve found is that Sunday, August 21, students can return to the dorms, but didn’t know if we had to book a specific day and time. I’m assuming we’ll be moving in with the general population at this time, including freshmen not participating in the early move in programs.</p>

<p>Freshmen who are not participating in early programs such as the Million Dollar Band or AA/OA can move in on August 20 or 21.</p>

<p>The only insight I can offer is that your student can move in earlier, if, and only if, he or she volunteers to help with the move in of others. My son did this last year, as he and some of his friends with a campus organization signed up to assist with the freshman move in. He moved in early. Don’t know if he will do it again this year, as he has a conference to attend in August, just before school starts.</p>

<p>email housing and ask.</p>

<p>I don’t think returning students who are moving in on Sunday need a sign up time…but I could be wrong.</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Thanks. I will call. One choice gets him to BHM after 9 pm…don’t know that he can move in at night :)</p>

<p>He will have to sign up for a move in time. That said, he will be allowed to move in whenever he arrives that day. There is nobody to help him move in at 10:30PM, but there are people working who could give him his keys. I arrived after my scheduled move-in time last year and had no problem with the shuttle dropping me off near my dorm and being able to take my bags up to my room. I do recommend helping with move-in; I enjoyed spending the day outside directing move-in traffic last year.</p>

<p>I was really glad that UA had a shuttle to take students back to the airport this year and wish something similar (at a nominal cost) could be arranged for move-in.</p>

<p>So, when do we start signing up for move in? I’m talking returning students here.</p>

<p>And, is there not a shuttle from the airport to campus for move in? </p>

<p>Maybe those needing that service can coordinate to share eshuttle, as others have done this year when the Bama shuttle times weren’t convenient.</p>

<p>And, is it too late to sign up to help with move in? I don’t know if my son would be available, but there may be others out there who would be interested.</p>

<p>If there is a volunteer honors activity to help with storm relief, if students are there for that, they may want to assist with move in as well.</p>

<p>The housing website says that the sign ups for move in will begin June 15.</p>

<p>As for volunteering to help with the move in, I remember the sign ups being in July, as many campus organizations will send notices to their members asking if they would be interested in helping.</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone. Sea-tide, thanks for the late arrival info. He’s out of country right now so can’t ask these questions. I was trying to make return reservations because prices go up significantly as the time approaches - as I know you know :)</p>

<p>Son checked and there was no shuttle available for move-in.</p>

<p>^ If it helps at all, DS will be dropping me off at BHM for a 4pm flight, Mon., Aug 22.</p>

<p>Thanks! I’ll get this figured out and get back to you! Has your son caught up on his sleep?</p>

<p>most definitely - though not exactly on the schedule I’d prefer… ;)</p>

<p>Student - S and I get in @ 9pm the 20th, don’t know if that’s what you’re looking at. I have return flight 22nd @ 7 am. AL if I end up moving my flight back maybe I can save your son the trip BHM. Spending 20th moving in. I’m renting a car.</p>

<p>^^^Can we move in on the 20th? I thought move in day was Sunday the 21st. That would be great if we could move in on the Saturday.</p>

<p>If anybody knows when we can start signing up for move in, please post!</p>

<p>OOOOPS - Meant to say moving stuff in 21st. Seams that’s the general consensus (if 20th is freshmen).</p>

<p>^ will keep in touch as plans firm up socal - but thanks for the offer!
I also have a room at the Ambassador Inn Mon. night if you (or any other fine upstanding parent) wants to have a pajama party!</p>