<p>....So whats good about this college?</p>
<p>Enough with the cons, I need some pros!</p>
<p>....So whats good about this college?</p>
<p>Enough with the cons, I need some pros!</p>
<p>Dorm rooms are a lot bigger than other colleges. Ok, they’re not as nice, but they’re big. That goes for singles, doubles, triples.</p>
<p>oh, and as for horrible GE’s, ERC has it worse. You can at least take HUM at a cc over summer. ERC peeps HAVE to take all 6 qtrs of MMW on campus.</p>
<p>If you’re a science major, you’ll be close to York, where most of the science classes are held. Revelle is also near the theatre and Dance department (which is great if you have those 8am dance classes). </p>
<p>If you’re pre-med, Revelle’s GEs definitely prepare you for medical school requirements as you acquire a more well-rounded education.</p>
<p>I agree with Jelly belly. ERC has worse GE’s because of MMW (however they have fewer science and other GE’s).</p>