<p>I just got into McGill today, and now I'm trying to decide on what rez I should request. My most important criterion is proximity to the main campus (this is a MUST), so I've narrowed down my options to Carrefour and Royal Victoria College (RVC). The next most important thing to me is the *community - ie. the type of people the rez tends to attract. Any thoughts, like/dislikes about the two rezs would be awesome. :)</p>
<p>NB. I know they're both "new" (Carrefour is only a few years old, and the tower in RVC is now co-ed), so I'm hoping some freshmen might be able to help me out a bit more.</p>
<p>Random fact: I live in C4 residence and I always get to class on time if I leave 15 mins before class =D</p>
<p>Anyways, I’d say that the decision should depend on the fundamental difference between RVC and C4: the fact that one is a traditional dorm residence, and the other is a hotel.</p>
<p>If you like having a room to yourself (albeit a bit small) and don’t mind sharing the bathroom, go ahead for RVC.</p>
<p>If for some reason you would really want a private bathroom and don’t mind having a roommate, then C4.</p>
<p>In terms of community, RVC’s dorm style makes it easier to bump into people and gives more chances to socialize. C4 is an hotel so it’s tricky to casually see the same person more than a couple times a week. If you are socially active, though, C4’s setting shouldn’t be an obstacle.</p>
<p>And regarding the residents, they change every year so that’s hard to say. Also, RVC caf is better =P</p>
<p>thanks for all the information Andrewheat!! i actually really want a roommate, so i guess carrefour would be a better choice in that regard. </p>
<p>after talking to a bunch of people, I’ve decided I want to stay in a hotel rez for sure (they look too good to pass on :P).</p>
<p>which hotel rez do you recommend? new rez or carrefour? do u ever wish you lived in new rez instead of carrefour?? or do you know much about the new marriot one (will it even be open for next year)?</p>
<p>here are the pros/cons i’ve thought of so far…
carrefour - closer to campus (esp. desautels/bronfman building), suite style doubles**, pretty bad caf (is it really really bad??)
new rez - further from campus, doubles (but both beds in same room), closer to athletics, grocery, downtown clubs, etc.
marriot - (don’t know much about this one!)</p>
<p>Just for clarification: at C4 the beds are both in the same room and they are queen-sized.</p>
<p>The C4 caf is much smaller than New Rez or RVC because C4 is a smaller rez. So it doesn’t have as many food options. My son says the food quality is okay to good (not better or worse than RVC or New), but he would have preferred to have had the wider menu of the other two. </p>
<p>C4 is very close to groceries too (just a three-minute walk to the Provigo).</p>
<p>The Marriot is more or less across Sherbrooke from C4, so it is very close to campus. Don’t know if it will be open in the fall or not.</p>
<p>I live in C4 this year.</p>
-Really good community, I feel like I know a lot of people in the building and most are really friendly.
-Floors aren’t that big, so it’s pretty easy to get to know them
-Close to campus
-Air conditioning and heat that work pretty well
-Gym in the building</p>
-Caf sucks, but whatever…you get used to it.
-Can’t open windows</p>
<p>I’m happy with it.</p>
<p>But RVC caf is awesome</p>
<p>ive heard you can use your “home meal plan” to eat at new rez, even if u live in carrefour… Is this true? Or do you need to use flex dollars to eat there? </p>
<p>and on that note, do you go over to new rez often (for food and/or parties), or is it too far and inconvenient?</p>
<p>Carefour is also my first choice. i love private bathrooms but someone told me that u cannot get single rooms, and have to share with someone else. is this true?</p>
<p>i got accepted and want to take the offer ASAP (so i can improve my chances of getting my top rez choice), but my parents insist i wait.
im international btw.</p>
<p>you don’t “improve” your chances of getting into your rez if you accept early. It is a lottery process, not a first-come-first-serve. Everybody gets a number and get put in a lottery to have their names drawn. When the person’s number gets pulled, they give that person his/her first rank unless it is not available, then go to their 2nd rank etc.</p>
<p>The above is true, UNLESS you are a scholarship winner. Then you are guaranteed to have your first choice of rez. Also the single rooms with private bathrooms are reserved only for scholarship winners.</p>
<p>hey econgrad, i’ve been offered a basic scholarship of $3000. do you know if you have to get a renewable scholarship for the first choice of rez & room type guarantee, or does that apply to any type of scholarship?</p>
<p>@current49: Only the ones that get the renewable scholarship get first-choice in residence.
I got the basic scholarship when I applied and wasn’t given first-choice.</p>
<p>Also, we do share the meal plan with New Rez. Personally, if I have the time, it’s not much a bother to walk up to there to eat. This is only worthwhile if you go with a couple friends and talk over dinner though, if you just go to eat and immediately come back then it would be kind of tiring after a few times.</p>
<p>Also, it’s more annoying to walk around during winter, but I like walking so it’s not a big deal for me. Besides, it could be worse, like pulling a rope up BHM heh</p>
<p>Concerning New Rez vs Carrefour, I’d say it comes down to living closer to campus (C4) or having better facilities (New R). In my case, C4’s location is a major benefit since I’m kind of lazy haha so I don’t mind not having a luxurious lobby with a piano.</p>
<p>@Andrewheat I used to think this too but the new Student Aid site says that now both One year and Renewable scholarship recipients will get first choice of housing (check out “Benefits” at the bottom of this page: [McGill</a> Undergraduate Scholarships for Prospective Students | Scholarships and Student Aid - McGill University](<a href=“http://www.mcgill.ca/studentaid/scholarships/prospective]McGill”>http://www.mcgill.ca/studentaid/scholarships/prospective) ). I’m pretty excited since I got an entrance scholarship, still waiting to hear about renewable :)</p>
<p>Andrewheat, did you get your second choice of residence at least? i would assume that renewable scholarship recipients would still get priority over basic scholarship recipients, so perhaps your top-choice building filled up before you were placed?
kipster746, thanks for the link!</p>
<p>do you know if there are any benefits of accepting an offer of admission now versus accepting it later? i know that accepting early doesn’t improve your chances of getting your top residence choice, but does it have any impact on whether or not you receive a renewable scholarship or anything else? thanks :)</p>
<p>what is C4 exactly like.
Do u have ur own room, and each floor have a common living room.
or is it somehitng like there are 3-4 single rooms, inside a larger room whcih have a common living room and kitchen?</p>
<p>@kipster746: Ah, lucky! It wasn’t like that when I applied =(
@current49: I am sure it wasn’t when I applied, but as kipster posted, all 2011 scholarship winners will get first-choice, so nice! And no, I don’t think there’s any problem with confirming your acceptance later, as long as it’s not after deadline and housing lottery.</p>
<p>@sheheryar93: You share a room with a roomate and have your own bathroom. There is a common room every two floors. (For example, Floor 15 and 16 share one common room, which is located in floor 16.)</p>
<p>i found the official housing guarantee info on Minerva: “Students receiving major renewable entrance scholarships are guaranteed to receive a space in their first choice of residence building. Students who receive basic one-year entrance scholarships are guaranteed to receive a space in one of their top two choices of residence buildings.”</p>
<p>i also found this great link that emulates the form you’ll find on Minerva: <a href=“http://www.mcgill.ca/files/residences/Hall_Ranking_Worksheet_2011.pdf[/url]”>http://www.mcgill.ca/files/residences/Hall_Ranking_Worksheet_2011.pdf</a></p>
<p>@Andrewheat (or anyone else who knows): i’ve noticed that there is no distinction between normal and large double (suite-style) rooms at carrefour on the form. do you know if i can somehow request a suite-style room (btw, i’m a major scholarship winner and i think i want a roommate) thanks for all your help
i really appreciate it</p>
<p>@ Andrewheat, ledzeppole</p>
<p>What were ur top 3 choices for Rez, and how popular is C4.</p>
<p>@current49: I remember that you have to fill a questionnaire with information about yourself and your tendencies so that Floor Fellows can match you up with your roommate.</p>
<p>In the case of scholarship winners, you are by default assigned to a room without rommate (equally big as those with with two people), but if you request a roommate during the questionnaire, the Floor Fellow will arrange it for you. </p>
<p>Regarding the kind of rooms, some of them are are standard hotel rooms, some of them are huge. I know a few people with the huge ones that did not request it to be so, so I’d say it’s up to chance. If, for some reason, a student -really- needs a big room for some important reason (medical, perhaps?) I’m sure they can especially assign one to you.</p>
<li>All this is info I got from last year as I was applying and some from anecdotes of people here, I do not guarantee that they are facts =P</li>
<p>thanks for the info Andrewheat, you have no idea how much this helps :)</p>
<p>Oh believe me, I do.
Hopefully some of you will hang around next admissions period and help the next wave of prospective students too. =)</p>
<p>hi there. I’ll ask a specific question regarding sexual orientation. first off, I am international and I am openly gay. Single rooms seem to being nuts to me as it leaves you out with some sort of a depressing lonely feeling. (well, that might not apply to everyone but definitely it does to me). So, I am thinking about putting C4 as for my first choice but have no idea how the queer community is like. Andrewheat, I think this Floor Fellow consider your orientation right? Can someone clarify my case?