Rice Financial Aid Award Letter

<p>I was just checking my application status and randomly clicked on Financial Aid requirements. I saw a link called "Financial Aid Award Letter" that I've never seen before. I clicked on it and it said: </p>

<p>Dear "my name":</p>

<p>Congratulations on your admission to Rice University! Based upon the information provided on your CSS/PROFILE application, you are eligible for the following need-based financial aid for the 2009-2010 academic year to assist in meeting your educational costs and personal expenses at Rice University: </p>

<p>and the rest is my package.</p>

<p>This letter was sent out Dec 13th according to the date at the top. </p>

<p>I know REAL admissions emails come out Dec 15th, but this says I'm already admitted.</p>

<p>I want to know if this means I'm in or not.</p>

<p>OMG me too!!!</p>

<p>it must mean that because they couldnt possibly give award letters to EVERYONE who applied.</p>

<p>And why else would it say, “Congratulations on your admission to Rice?” Wow – they must not have coordinated the roll-out of information this year, but it sure seems like you discovered the decision!</p>

<p>omg yeah I got that too! But the “application under review” status is still making me anxious. I hope that changes … soon</p>

<p>IM too excited right now. I’m crazy excited.</p>

<p>AHHH I KNOW but if there is a slight chance that they just sent those to everyone by mistake…that would be crushing.</p>

<p>i didnt have one… but havent applied for fin. aid. yet</p>

<p>they couldnt have because if like 1000 kids applied, there’s no way they made an award statement for each of them. When I was there, they didnt start to look at the financial aid stuff until like last week.</p>

<p>“i didnt have one… but havent applied for fin. aid.”</p>

<p>same. i’m trying to decide if this means i didn’t get in or if they are just treating me differently and not posting that thing cause i didn’t apply for fin aid</p>

<p>If you didn’t apply for financial aid there would not be a financial aid award package for you. Relax. :)</p>

<p>what do you think it means if there IS a finaid award letter link, but when clicked, it says that i’m not eligible for finaid? would there be a link if i didn’t get in? agghhhh.</p>

<p>I think it just means you make too much to qualify for financial aid</p>

<p>does the letter say congratulations?</p>

<p>no the letter goes as so: Dear hinthint, Thank you for submitting your CSS Profile to us by the deadline. The Office of Financial staff has carefully reviewed your CSS/PROFILE form. Based on the information provided, our analysis indicates that you are not eligible for need-based aid.</p>

<p>We recognize that college costs represent a major investment for you and your family. Rice does offer a deferred payment plan to allow families to pay each semester’'s bill in four monthly installments.</p>

<p>Rice also participates in various loan programs that are available to assist you and your family with educational expenses. Such loans are not based on computed need and are available regardless of family income.</p>

<p>Should you have questions regarding your financing options, please know we have a financial aid counselor assigned to you who can help you examine those options. Please feel free to call us at 713-348-4958 or email <a href=“mailto:fina@rice.edu”>fina@rice.edu</a> .</p>

<p>With best wishes,</p>

<p>Anne Walker
Director of Financial Aid </p>


<p>the financial aid office wouldn’t get your app unless you had been accepted right?..that would seem ridiculously inefficient, but given Rice’s recent fail with notifying people if their applications had been received, it seems plausible</p>

<p>i dont know.
mine goes like this</p>

<p>Congratulations on your admission to Rice University! Based upon the information provided on your CSS/PROFILE application, you are eligible for the following need-based financial aid for the 2009-2010 academic year to assist in meeting your educational costs and personal expenses at Rice University: </p>

<p>(goes into detail about package. It covers EVERYTHING!!! (for me at least, I’m po))</p>

<p>Total Package 46,170.00</p>

<p>The amount listed as Rice Grant may be composed of funds from Rice as well as from federal and state funds. Any loans and work-study awards listed are considered self-help awards. Please note that a work-study award is earned by working in a campus-sponsored job; those funds are paid directly to the student. If you receive any additional scholarships or grants, they will be applied first toward self-help awards, reducing the loan and then the employment expectation.</p>

<p>To secure your aid, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid after January 1, 2009 [FAFSA</a> - Free Application for Federal Student Aid](<a href=“http://www.fafsa.ed.gov%5DFAFSA”>http://www.fafsa.ed.gov) . Also submit to the College Board signed copies of 2008 federal income tax returns for both you and your parents by the priority deadline of March 1, 2009 <a href=“https://idoc.collegeboard.com%5B/url%5D”>https://idoc.collegeboard.com</a> .</p>

<p>We recognize that college costs represent a major investment for you and your family. Rice does offer a payment plan to allow families to pay for each year in installments. Rice also participates in various loan programs that may be available to assist you and your family with educational costs.</p>

<p>Should you have any questions regarding the aid process, please contact Student Financial Services at <a href=“mailto:fina@rice.edu”>fina@rice.edu</a> . Please note that our office will not be available December 24 through January 2 due to winter holiday.</p>

<p>With best wishes, </p>

<p>Anne Walker
Director of Financial Aid</p>

<p>mine goes like that also. okay since we got different amounts I guess they didnt accidentally send out the same message to a bunch of people.thanks for posting that! I still wish they would change the status to confirm it…</p>

<p>yeah me too</p>

<p>Omg i got this too!!!</p>

<p>i wish they would be fair and send it to everyone… not just people who applied for aid :(</p>