Rising HS Junior, what can I do to improve chances?

<p>Hi everyone. This is my first post on collegeconfidential and I'm most concerned about getting into Virginia Tech. It's the only place I really want to go as of now. I think my credentials are right now, but going into my Junior year of highschool, what can I do to improve my chances?</p>

<p>Income: <$30,000
Ethnicity: Asian (Middle Eastern, specifically Bangladesh)
Location: Northern Virginia
GPA: 3.65 UW (Weighted is probably somewhat similar, taking 3 APs next year though)
SAT: 1720/2400, 1150/1600 (Haven't taken actual SAT, but from SAT tutor class, this is what it is.)
EC (What it should look like by the time I graduate)
MSA 4 years (1 yr Secretary, 1 yr Vice President)
SAGA 4 years (2 yrs office)
Arabic Club 3 years
FBLA 3 years (2 yr office)
NHS 2 years
Debate Club 2 years (1 yr office)
Community Service - 50+ hrs</p>

Indoor Track 3 yrs
Varsity Lacrosse 2 yrs</p>

<p>*First in family to be born in United States
*Parents did not graduate from college (Third world country)</p>

<p>Some of this is based on assumption. But that is roughly of what I hope for it to look like. But I know my SAT is low and I'm trying to improve it. What else can I do to improve my chances to VT?</p>

<p>Move. Also get good grades and a good SAT score. And take the ACT since some people do better on it.</p>

<p>I forgot to add I want to major in Economics or Finance</p>