<p>Hey everyone. I've been lurking these forums for a while and finally decided to post. I'll be a junior next year and this seems to be the best place to get good, honest advice.</p>
<p>So, you see, I want to go to Yale. Not like "Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell..." but, YALE as in, I want it more than anything. It is my ultimate dream school. I don't know why, but it is. If you have a lot of fabulous reasons why NOT to go there, I'd probably be relieved because other schools aren't so competitive. But for me, right now, it's Yale. And it has been since I actually started thinking about college (at the age of twelve). </p>
<p>So here I am:
I go to a competitive public school in Washington (the state)
My GPA (unweighted) is about a 3.93 so far (one bad math class brought it down)
I take the most advanced courses at my school (After eighth grade, I took and passed an optional test to jump ahead in science, which about twenty other people did too, out of like 350 students)
I haven't taken the SATs yet, but I've done well on practice tests.
As for extracurriculars, I've done National Honor Society, Key Club, Spanish Club, Drama Club, Environmental Club, and Film Club for the last two years, and a lot of drama before that. I'm a shoe-in to be Drama Club President next year, and possibly something in Spanish Club too.</p>
<p>As for Drama, I got a varsity letter in it last year. I've been doing plays since early middle school, and I've done almost everything I possibly can. For instance, my school has two One-Act festivals per year. Last year I acted in both of them (a total of three one-acts, starring roles in all) and next year I intend to write/direct for them. Drama is a big deal for me, and I know that the Yale School of Drama is a big deal to them, so maybe that will help. </p>
<p>As for on-my-own community service, for the last three or so years I've done a TON of horse-related stuff. Last summer I spent several weeks volunteering for a saddle club that raised money to save the park they put on shows at (the park was going to get destroyed for apartments), and I've done a lot of time as a counselor for a horse day-camp (nonprofit). Later this summer I'm volunteering at a dance studio in my neighborhood that puts on a camp for disadvantaged kids in the area where they learn to dance and put on a play (I'm helping with that)</p>
<p>As a side note, but a very hopeful hook, I'm writing a book. It's young adult fiction (no, I am not a loser writing bad fan fiction, in case you're wondering), and I really think I could get it published. If I do, hopefully that would sound quite good.</p>
<p>The thing that depresses me is that my school is loathe to give out awards or even rankings, so I don't sound overly impressive. I need to find some awards to win!</p>
<p>Anyway, I know I'm not full of information (I don't have SATs or anything yet), but I'd really appreciate an analysis of how I've done so far and what I can do to improve my chances of getting into Yale...this means way more than it should to me!</p>