<p>Anyone rollerblading on campus? I have seen no one but would like to try it next quarter. My biggest concern is that I might get into trouble when rollerblading in down-sloping area where rollerblading is forbidden--anyway, it is inconvenient to change to my normal shoes. Is this totally forbidden or no one really cares? Anyone caught skateboarding in the areas?</p>
<p>The only thing that looks stupider than a scooter is roller blades. Seriously dude? Just walk to class. Besides, roller blading down the hill is extremely difficult to control and you’re more likely than not to actually run into someone. Please don’t do something stupid and lame like this. There’s a reason you haven’t seen ANYBODY roller blade on campus.</p>
<p>I’ve seen a guy roller blading around campus before. He put a smile on my face :]</p>
<p>Thank you notaznguy and lehans! I am not going to roller blade on campus for I am just a beginner.</p>
<p>I’ve seen people rollerblading - it might be dangerous but still looks fun…</p>
<p>Rollerblading down Bruinwalk is actually illegal, to the same extent as biking down bruinwalk or scootering down bruinwalk.</p>
<p>I’ve seen one guy rollerblading around campus. It was chill because he was super good.</p>
<p>going up the hills and stairs will be hard. And it illegal on bruinwalk but I don’t think people actually get caught much- I see people longboarding/biking/ riding their scooters there everyday.</p>