Rolling Admissions??

I have heard that if you apply to UT Austin earlier to the Engineering program or Business program, you are more likely to get in. Is this true? With that being said, does UT go by a rolling admissions style? Will it be a benefit to any extent of applying in August versus lets say November?
Note: I am aware that Ut sends acceptance letters in baches, which is why I asked this question in the first place. This prompts me to believe that spots can get FILLED and thus once they are all filled admission chances could be impossible?

No it is not true that applying earlier makes it more likely you get in. Read the fall applicant thread and you’ll find plenty of people who applied in August and waited until February to find they were admitted UGS and others who applied in October and got in by December.

The benefit to applying in August is getting your $50 housing deposit in. Regardless of when you are admitted the day you submit that $50 determines your housing priority.

If you read the Fall applicant thread you’ll find that the overwhelming majority of engineering majors don’t hear until very late in the process. That is because the files submitted in December are still being scored. Yes, spots fill but they fill with people with high AI/PAI combinations.

So depending on how qualified of a candidate you are, you could get yours earlier than others? But this also means that the longer you wait, the more likely a chance that alot of qualified people will have applied and taken a spot- which is kind of why I am wondering if applying early helps. Also its UGS, I am asking about the competitive majors like Engineering, Business, etc. @gettingschooled

I don’t understand your point about UGS.

The answer to your question is: the more competitive majors get notified late in the process because the files are getting scored and placed in the AI/PAI grid. Applying early does not hurt but it does not appear to help either.