<p>Please post:</p>
<p>1.) When you got your letter (if before 3/31)
2.) Which undergraduate college you applied to
3.) What the result was</p>
<p>Note: I will most likely continually bump this post to keep it in play during acceptance times.</p>
<p>Please post:</p>
<p>1.) When you got your letter (if before 3/31)
2.) Which undergraduate college you applied to
3.) What the result was</p>
<p>Note: I will most likely continually bump this post to keep it in play during acceptance times.</p>
<p>we moved a couple of weeks ago. What do I do about rolling admissions?? Call admissions?</p>
<p>Cornell has rolling admissions???</p>
<p>cornell has rolling admissions to certain schools, like the hotel school</p>
<p>Cornell has rolling for CALS, ILR, and the Hotel School. Select applicants will find out before March 15, others may find out between 3/15 and 3/31, and many will find out at 5 PM online on 3/31. So, this thread can help us identify when the mailing is starting so we know to watch for it in the mail.</p>
<p>I have a question: I applied to HumEc primary and CALS alternate Early Decision and was deferred. Is there a chance for me to receive a rolling decision from CALS before 3/31? I’m thinking not really.</p>
<p>The only way you’d even get a decision from CALS is if HumEc rejected you. Even then…they would only send your app to CALS if they felt you would be a strong candidate. Given the time frame…it’s unlikely you’d receive a decision before 3/31.</p>
just a quick question.
i heard rumors that ONLY people that got accepted get decision?
meaning that if you get a mail from cornell before the benchmark 3/31, that means youre IN
it wouldnt be a rejection letter, it would always be one of those congratulating letters.</p>
<p>is this true??</p>
<p>Right. They won’t reject you earlier than 3/31.</p>
<p>“Right. They won’t reject you earlier than 3/31.”</p>
<p>haha, that’s so bitter sweet.</p>
<p>Has anyone gotten a letter yet?</p>
<p>i didnt get mine yet
did anyone?</p>
<p>not in oklahoma</p>
<p>I’m assuming that since CALS has rolling admission, so would the sub department of CALS-AEM? </p>
<p>Also, do they send emails as well or only letters by mail?</p>
<p>so the longer it takes, the less likely it’ll be. greeeeat :(</p>
<p>im pretty sure just by mail;
i heard in previous years, not alot of rolling people got acceptance letter
most of them got it on the 3/31 like everyone else</p>
<p>hopefully thats the case for all of us…</p>
<p>Relax guys (I know…easier said than done).</p>
<p>Very, very few students will hear of their acceptance before the common notification date. If you are accepted to a rolling admission school the decision will come via postal mail…no decisions will be posted online until 3/31.</p>
The very thin legal sized letter came just now and says “Congratulations!”
Good luck to all!</p>
<p>ah! are you serious? your letter came today? What school did you apply to? Thats so awesome…CONGRATS!</p>
<p>congrats! Bluenorthern where are you from?</p>