ROLLING... oh?

<p>people keep trying to tell me that umich is a good school, but i never gave it a thought all 4 years of high school seeing that its rite there nex to me. the one thing that bothers me is that umichi has rolling application, n it seems like some of my notsointelligent friends got in. it makes me feel kind of depressed when i think of going there, as i worked pretty hard in high school and got pretty good grades and everything. i feel sad that i didnt get into HYPS, but i didn't think umich was gonna be where i end up. ... if i had known this sooner, i wish i didnt work so hard in high school. i wish i partied and got drunk and high and a mediocre 3.5 instead. i know theres lots of 4. smart people at umich but it jus... i also think of the 3.2, 3.4 who go there, n i feel liek the admision was not competitive at all. </p>

<p>come on... what kind of good college does rolling apps? ALL good colleges review their candidates and make decisions at the same time. this way they ensure they get the best people, that they pick the "best possible candidate". if i had a 3.5, mediocre slacker classes like photography, a few Bs senior year, i would still have gotten in if i applied early. but NOOO i have to work my ass off senior year with my 6APs and worry everyday about an A- and what kind of damage that would do to my precious GPA.... all this for UMICH?</p>

<p>Well, it's easier to get into UMich if you are in-state, I would think you would know that. Seems you are disgruntled over nothing. Everyone is different and there is no precise applicant that gets into any one school. You shouldn't make up your mind based upon the stats of others that got in, only your own picture of the school. Though you are from East Lansing...hmm.</p>

<p>r u really 14 socskiblue? if you are i will be very impressed. getting a decent act and sat at 14 and going to college! i was only freshmen in hs when i was 14</p>

<p>No, he's not 14. He's only made 14 posts on this forum so far.</p>

<p>how can you judge a school w. 40,000 people based on a few people you know who got in.........? thats weird...get a life</p>

<p>y do they do rolling?</p>

<p>ha maybe i should be thankful and not ask that question about y they do rolling since i got in pretty easily</p>

<p>Yeah I have the same thing but remember that doesn't mean they will be staying there or doing well. It also doesn't mean they are in the same major as you. If you worked hard you might also be up for honors to distinguish yourself. So I'm not just going to the same college. I have a hard major and I got into the top honors program in the college so I say that it isn't just the same college as "everyone else."</p>

<p>You have no idea what the recommendations of those "not so intelligent" classmates of yours said. </p>

<p>I'm worried that you think working hard in high school is a waste of time. Let's say you could have gotten in with a 3.8. Does that mean all the extra work you did to get a 4.0 is a waste of time? Yeah, only if you believe your college work will never call upon what you learned in high school. Only if you believe college will never push you to do more, to study hard, to give extra effort. If that's what you think, then why go to college at all?</p>

<p>High school is not just about getting an acceptance letter. It's also about preparing yourself and building a foundation. </p>

<p>All good colleges don't do rolling admissions? So any college that does rolling admissions is not-good? Pretty definitive statement from someone who doesn't seem, from this thread, to know a great deal about higher education.</p>

<p>Wow, I'm glad everyone jumped on that before I could. Especially regarding the "14" comment. Hah.</p>

how can you judge a school w. 40,000 people based on a few people you know who got in.........?


<p>nitpick here, but U-M only has about 24,000 undergrads.</p>

<p>umich.... ahh... wish i could'v gotten into harvard! booooooohhooooo</p>

<p>240000 vs 2400 so okay harvard has 4000 proxminately but doesnt that make u feel... high school ALL over again?</p>

<p>i TOOK aps so i can be challenged, so i can learn, so i can escape those regularees in normal classes like government where they all had to take it. regularees who dont do homework, who makes stupid comments that just make u wanna wring their neck cuz u wonder... how can sum1 be so stupid n wen r they gonna shutup?</p>

<p>umich is hs all over again. u get ur "honors college" like APs but u cannot escape those regularees</p>

<p>I seriously never see the people I don't want to. I took an extremely hard major. There was even two people from my school in my class. Did I even interact with them? No. Well now it's only one haha after the semester clearing.</p>

<p>xokandykyssesox lives in East Lansing, of course he/she complains about UM.</p>

<p>hoedown is right. I hear this sort of thing from other students all the time. For example, they say colleges don't really look at freshman year, so it doesn't matter if they do bad. They'll just do good their soph and junior year. The problem is, when junior year comes around, you won't know the things you need to know in order to get As.</p>

<p>nitpick here, but U-M only has about 24,000 undergrads.</p>

<p>ok...but what about grad school...its part of UM oo, and i said people which includes teachers, volunteers, hospital, etc...there must be close to 40K</p>

<p>Yes, there are 36,000 total students. With faculty and staff and doctors, it's way, way way over 40,000. </p>

<p>But I didn't think the OP was condemning the school based on any personal knowledge of admission to graduate or professional programs, nor of the hiring practices for staff and faculty. </p>

<p>He was griping about not-that-sharp kids in his high school, and how that reflected on the undergrad student body. </p>

<p>Therefore, I interpreted your comment to refer to the undergrad student body as well. Apparently wrongly.</p>

<p>it doesnt really matter what the exact number is... the point is... u will be in a class/school/campus/w.e with people that make u want to say, he's in premed with me while i worked my ass off? how is this gonna give me a good education? mite as well just buy the book and go home and learn it on my own. whats the point of SCHOOL? whats the point of COLLEGE? so it gives you a good ENVIRONMENT to study... which u wont find in umich of course</p>

<p>No matter what college you go to there are gonna be people there that you don't think belong there. At ivy league schools you have snooty and insolent rich kids who get in because of their parents' financial favors for the school. (You think George W. would've got into Yale if his rich family didn't have a legacy there?) Then you also have good hard working kids there.<br>
I actually like to see it when "unintelligent" kids get into good schools like UMich just cause it annoys all those kids who spents hours upon hours of studying for exams and standardized tests and filling up their application with hundreds of hours of community service. I remember a lot of kids from my HS would be involved in these community service programs and I'd hear them complaining about the "smelly people" at soup kitchens and stuff like that. Then I'd ask why they bother getting involved with community service...and they reply "cause its looks good on college applications." That's such BS to me.
That's life though, you're always going to be surrounded with a great array of people. Don't you think that you're ever going to have a boss that is always telling you how to do your job while you're thinking, "boy, how did this dingbat ever become a boss over anybody?"</p>

which u wont find in umich of course


<p>That's pretty speculative. You don't know what the U-M environment is like. You don't know how these "unworthy" students will perform once they're working under the high expectations of college and the different paradigms for instruction, learning, doing work independently, etc. College is a different environment. Some of those "mediocre" kids will blossom and kick some intellectual ass. Some of the high school gunners will suddenly not look so smart, and will struggle. You will learn things from people whom you didn't know had anything to teach you.</p>

<p>And if you're as far above the U-M hoi polloi as all that, you can probably wangle your way into a signficant number of honors and advanced classes. You may have less contact with the marginal students.</p>

<p>But, honor program or not....If you really believe anything less than a superelite student body makes college worthless; if you really think breathing the same air as someone lesser than you makes the professor, the discussion, and the assignments worthless (so worthless you can just read the book at home and get a better education)... well, I think you're pretty misguided. It's as troubling as the OP who thinks his time would have been better spent smokin' a bowl before high school each morning. </p>

<p>If that attitude is really entrenched, then I think you should go to Harvard or whatever more selective place you're considering. But as the very-wise kman pointed out, I think you'll find it has its share of imperfect kids, too.</p>